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The Tower Traditional Cache

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haggaeus: Cache disablovana pres ctyri mesice, zadne znamky aktivity vedouci k jejimu obnoveni, zadna odpoved - archivovano.
Haggaeus, reviewer pro CZ, SK a okoli

Hidden : 09/02/2005
2 out of 5
1 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

Televizni a rozhlasovy vysilac v centru Prahy/TV and radio transmitter in downtown Prague

CS: Zizkovsky vysilac byl od pocatku tak trochu nechtenym ditetem. V r. 1985, kdyz jeho stavba zapocala, byl pokladan za jeden z dalsich megalomanskych komunistickych projektu typu Temelin nebo Strahovsky tunel. Zatimco v zapadnich velkomestech byl bezny prijem televizniho a rozhlasoveho vysilani po kabelech, komunisticka moc potrebovala pro dva televizni programy, jejichz prijem obyvatelstvu dovolovala, novy vysilac, ktery mel nahradit dosluhujici anteny provizorne instalovane na petrinske rozhledne.

Neni divu, ze po r. 1989 se uvazovalo o zastaveni stavby a o tom, ze 216 m vysoka vez bude opet rozebrana. Nakonec vsak byla stavba vytvorena podle projektu trojice architektu Aulicky, Kozak a Bem dokoncena a v r. 1992 byl novy vysilac uveden do provozu.

Hodnoceno strizlive, zizkovsky vysilac nepatri do stejne kategorie jako slavny vysilac na Jestedu, jeho makety si stezi budou kupovat deti na skolnich vyletech jako suvenyr, avsak urcite kouzlo teto stavbe uprit nelze.

Linie jsou ciste, prehledne, cela stavba jakoby byla tisickrat zvetsenym detskym modelem rakety ze sci-fi serialu. Podobnym nezemskym dojmem pusobi i prilehla provozni budova.

Kes byste meli najit celkem snadno, nezapomente ji ale dobre ukryt - misto denne navstivi tisice Prazanu. Za prizniveho pocasi stoji za navstevu i vyhlidkova terasa, popr. restaurace s kavarnou.

EN: The Zizkov transmitter has ever been a kind of unwanted child. When the construction began in 1985, it was widely regarded as just another megalomaniac Communist project, like the Temelin nuclear power plant or the Strahov tunnel. While Western cities had networks of cable TV/radio, the Communist power needed a new transmitter for the two TV channels officially permitted to be received by the general populace, being a replacement of the provisional aerials installed on the Petrin tower.

No wonder that discontinuation of the project and dismantling the 216m tower was seriously considered after 1989. Eventually, the structure designed by the architects Aulicky, Kozak and Bem was completed and in 1992, the new transmitter was put in operation.

To sober eyes, the Zizkov tower is not in the same category as the acclaimed Jested transmitter, the maquettes of it are hardly to be bought by kids on school trips as souvenirs, but the structure is not yet completely devoid of any charm.

Its lines are clean, well-defined, the whole building seems to be a copy of a toy rocket from a sci-fi series, blown up to thousand times its dimensions. Similar otherworldly impression emanates from the adjacent support facility.

You should have no problem finding the cache. Please don't forget to hide it well again - the place is visited by thousands of people every day. In good weather, it is a good idea to visit the outlook terrace, or the restaurant with a café.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)