Generally accepted rules, guidelines and conditions for logging a cache find apply. These must be bona fide caches listed on that you have personally (physically) found and logged.
Placement of a cache on a DeLorme Atlas page counts the same as finding a cache on that page. All caches must meet the guidelines and be published. In particular, the guideline regarding 'vacation caches' must be followed.
The following cache types count as finds or hides for the NH DeLorme Challenge:
Letterbox Hybrid
If a New Hampshire DeLorme Atlas page includes space not located in New Hampshire, only caches in the New Hampshire portion count. The posted coordinates for a cache will determine in which state or page a given cache falls.
A cache is eligible ONLY if it lies in a full block on a DeLorme page. The border (partial or half-space) blocks on each edge of each page do not count.
For Multi-caches, the page where the first waypoint is located is used by the calculator as the official listed page. For Unknown (Puzzle) caches, if the final location is on a different page than the posted coordinates, it will be excluded from this challenge. (If you know of any specific caches, please let me know and I'll add them to the list of
excluded caches.)
While you may have others with you when you find the final cache, only those who have fulfilled ALL criteria for this cache will be allowed to log it as a find. Find logs by other cachers will be deleted.