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Shawwn möchte etwas Landluft in Europa schnuppern und Felder, Wiesen und Wälder erkunden. Er freut sich, wenn Ihr ihn mitnehmt und von Cache zu Cache reisen lasst! Danke im Voraus für Eure Hilfe :-)
Shawwn would like to travel the countryside and its fields, meadows and woods. He'd be quite happy and appreciate it if you'd help him on his journey. Thanks a lot :-)
Shawwn startete seine Reise in Mannheim im Jahr 2008.
Shawwn started his journey in Mannheim, Germany, in 2008.
Discovered in Northern Minnesota, USA.
Safe travels, Shawwn!
I will take Shawn along, although he is far from Europe.
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