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Travel Bug Dog Tag Shawwn the Sheep

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LA JeDi Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 10 October 2008
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
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Current Goal

Shawwn möchte etwas Landluft in Europa schnuppern und Felder, Wiesen und Wälder erkunden. Er freut sich, wenn Ihr ihn mitnehmt und von Cache zu Cache reisen lasst! Danke im Voraus für Eure Hilfe :-)

Shawwn would like to travel the countryside and its fields, meadows and woods. He'd be quite happy and appreciate it if you'd help him on his journey. Thanks a lot :-)

About This Item

Shawwn startete seine Reise in Mannheim im Jahr 2008.

Shawwn started his journey in Mannheim, Germany, in 2008.

Tracking History (6586.1mi) View Map

Discovered It 12/28/2023 UpNorthTD discovered it Minnesota   Visit Log

Discovered in Northern Minnesota, USA.

Dropped Off 11/18/2023 gravitybear placed it in PELICAN RAPIDS FIRE DEPARTMENT Minnesota - 394.23 miles  Visit Log

Safe travels, Shawwn!

Retrieve It from a Cache 10/17/2023 gravitybear retrieved it from YOUR Cacher Name Challenge Iowa   Visit Log

I will take Shawn along, although he is far from Europe.

Dropped Off 08/26/2022 AkTRx placed it in YOUR Cacher Name Challenge Iowa - .23 miles  Visit Log


Visited 08/26/2022 AkTRx took it to We Love Bookworms Iowa - 1.76 miles  Visit Log


Visited 08/26/2022 AkTRx took it to A keyed solution - Gadget Iowa - 72.42 miles  Visit Log


Visited 08/20/2022 AkTRx took it to Make a Wish Iowa - .01 miles  Visit Log


Visited 08/20/2022 AkTRx took it to Near "The Bridge" Iowa - 3.75 miles  Visit Log


Visited 08/20/2022 AkTRx took it to Bike Training B-Day 02 Iowa - .45 miles  Visit Log


Visited 08/20/2022 AkTRx took it to You Sank my Battleship Iowa - .29 miles  Visit Log


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