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Travel Bug Dog Tag Prius C Cruiser Bug

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tornadonow Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Illinois, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Oldest Church

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Current Goal

CURRENT TRAVEL GOAL: This travel bug is currently missing. Anybody seen it???

About This Item

Prius C Cruiser Bug


CURRENT TRAVEL GOAL: Currently missing. Anybody seen me???

In March of 2012, I was one of the first people in the United States to own a Toyota Prius C. It is awesome to be able to travel getting around 50 Miles Per Gallon! Currently, these vehicles are selling to the point where it isn't possible to get one right now.  I miss my dear Trinity, who was a 2004 Red Toyota Matrix, but I am sure loving the gas mileage on my new Prius C.  

While hunting for materials to create my first Geocache in Rochelle, IL, we came across this Matchbox Prius at the local Wal-Mart. While not a Prius C, it is close enough! The purpose of this cache is to cruise the United States to places I would like to drive my Prius C to in real life! The Travel Goal will change often, and is located at the top of this description.  

Since there are so few Prius C's on the road, pics of this travel bug with other Prius C's will be appreciated! Also, pics of this travelbug with cool landmarks and people along its journey will also be fun!!!

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Tracking History (14395.9mi) View Map

Write note 04/05/2014 chiquita's bunch posted a note for it   Visit Log

Cleaned up the Oldest Church cache and definitely didn't see this inside, hope it shows up someplace else.

Dropped Off 06/30/2013 Bender&Dee placed it in Oldest Church Illinois - 560.89 miles  Visit Log

Finally got this TB to its destination

Visited 06/15/2013 Bender&Dee took it to Casey Jones' Locker Illinois - 4.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/15/2013 Bender&Dee took it to Den Of The Panther #3 Kane Illinois - 16.15 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 06/08/2013 Bender&Dee retrieved it from Earth Illinois   Visit Log

I have just the cacher to get it to it's destination.... finally. 😁

Dropped Off 05/06/2013 Tissi_2 placed it in Earth Illinois - 546.44 miles  Visit Log

I looked for a good cache for you. This is definately the right place to stay. Have a safe trip to the university.

Retrieve It from a Cache 05/04/2013 Tissi_2 retrieved it from Lurups Spicy Schleswig-Holstein, Germany   Visit Log

The journey goes on... 😁

Discovered It 04/30/2013 Vesterhavet discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered while having dinner with Tissi_2 & SGB.
Have a safe trip!

Discovered It 04/30/2013 Hunter4711 discovered it   Visit Log

Jo.. saw it by Tissi... good luck and don´t drive to fast!


Discovered It 04/30/2013 gruschel discovered it   Visit Log

Auf der Durchreise bei Tissi entdeckt.
Gute Reise.

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