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Travel Bug Dog Tag Farmer John

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Trick&Mac Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, October 22, 2012
New York, United States
Recently Spotted:
In an ghaeltacht

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Current Goal

Would like to visit Illinois where the first John Deere was built.  We heard that there might be a museum and histroric sites.  We would love to see pictures.   

About This Item

I learned to drive a tractor before I drove a car. Now that I'm retired I'm farming more than ever. I'm not traveling as much as I would like so I'm sending off this TB to travel to places instead. If possible send pics when I arrive in Illinois.

*** This TB was placed for my father, Team Castleton who doesn't own a computer, but loves Farming and Caching with his family*******

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    Tracking History (27462.6mi) View Map

    Dropped Off 8/13/2019 Oxyperious placed it in an ghaeltacht Munster, Ireland   Visit Log
    Visited 8/13/2019 Oxyperious took it to an ghaeltacht Munster, Ireland - 2,893.35 miles  Visit Log

    Irish coast stop

    Visited 8/4/2019 Oxyperious took it to Lock 9 New York - 54.02 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 7/24/2019 Oxyperious retrieved it from JBT4 New York   Visit Log

    Back across the pond for this little guy.

    Dropped Off 7/24/2019 periodiccacher placed it in JBT4 New York - .4 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/24/2019 periodiccacher took it to JBT6 New York - 34.97 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/23/2019 periodiccacher took it to 20 East - Somebody's In Trouble New York - 8.3 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 7/23/2019 periodiccacher retrieved it from GG1- Hawkeye’s Vantage Point New York   Visit Log

    I will add some miles to this one, not as many as the last finder though.

    Dropped Off 7/22/2019 gpsbarb placed it in GG1- Hawkeye’s Vantage Point New York - .35 miles  Visit Log

    Gave this tractor A LOT of miles. Some of those miles throughout the USA (North Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Florida and New York and many of those miles all the way to Africa, to four different countries....South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. I have finally dropped it in a cache near to my home in Cooperstown, NY. Lots of farming going on around here. Thanks for sharing your TB, may it continue to travel far and wide.

    • Farmer John at his cache in Glimmerglass St. Park, Cooperstown, NY.  Not quite the right field for farming.  Although there are lots of farms in the area.
    Visited 7/22/2019 gpsbarb took it to GG4- The Tail’s End New York - 6.76 miles  Visit Log
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