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Bigfoot Gary Travel Tag gary

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djôjô Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 19 February 2021
Bretagne, France
Recently Spotted:
In Geocoinfest Europe 2023 - Pitztal/Austria

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Il etait beau mon travel bug...malheureusement il n'aura pas vecu longtemps, perdu au debut de son devait aller se promener au plus pres des salles de concerts, et autre festivals de musiques...mais comme il etait beau quelqu'un a preferé le garder plutot que de le faire voyager...:-(

....réapparu presque 1 an apres sa disparation, il existe en double exemplaire maintenant ...l'original et un vieux morceau de bois sur lequel j'avais copié le quelqu'un trouve la copie merci de la mettre a la poubelle...

...merci a Stefalien d'avoir retiré la copie le 7 mai 2023, l'original peut continuer son voyage...



google translate : 

He was beautiful my travel bug...unfortunately he didn't live long, lost at the beginning of his trip...he was supposed to go and walk around the concert halls, and other music festivals...but as he was beautiful someone preferred to keep him rather than make him travel...:-( 

reappeared almost 1 year after its disappearance, it exists in duplicate now...the original and an old piece of wood on which I had copied the code...if anyone finds the copy please put it on the garbage ...

..thanks to Stefalien for removing the copy on May 7, 2023, the original can continue its journey...



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    Write note 11/08/2023 SACmos posted a note for it   Visit Log

    vu a un event. log en retard
    Merci pour le partage

    Discovered It 09/30/2023 4Hellmis discovered it Tirol, Austria   Visit Log

    Beim Geocoinfest im Pitztal gesehen. Danke fürs Zeigen und gute Weiterreise!

    Discovered It 09/30/2023 4Hellmis discovered it Tirol, Austria   Visit Log

    Heute am Mega im Pitztal entdeckt! Danke fürs Zeigen!

    Dropped Off 09/30/2023 MIDOUL placed it in Geocoinfest Europe 2023 - Pitztal/Austria Tirol, Austria - 179.25 miles  Visit Log
    Discovered It 09/30/2023 Fuxail discovered it   Visit Log


    Discovered It 09/25/2023 jclaude67 discovered it Grand-Est, France   Visit Log

    Stammtisch Alsace du Nord

    Discovered It 09/22/2023 jeanlo655 discovered it Tirol, Austria   Visit Log

    Vu au Stamm nord Alsace

    Retrieve It from a Cache 09/22/2023 MIDOUL retrieved it from Stammtisch de l'Alsace du Nord ~ 09/23 Grand-Est, France   Visit Log

    En route pour l'aventure

    Discovered It 09/22/2023 Chandel67 discovered it Grand-Est, France   Visit Log

    Au stamm

    Discovered It 09/22/2023 poloms discovered it Grand-Est, France   Visit Log

    Découvert lors du stamm d'Alsace géocaching, nord Alsace

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