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Travel Bug Dog Tag Minibug 1

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Saturday, 27 August 2005
Ontario, Canada
Recently Spotted:
In Oldest Church

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Current Goal

This will be Minibug1's second adventure. We have had him out for about a year and managed to retrieve him, lets see if we can do it again! I'd like to see him travel around a bit - anywhere is fine - then maybe make his way back towards our home in Burlington Ontario where I hope to retreive him again. We placed him in a cache near Watkins Glen racetrack which seems appropriate as lots of minis race here!


Update - Oct 2010 - great to see Minibug is stilll alive and well.  We will be heading with our RV  toTucson in Feb 2011 - if anyone has the opportunity to move him   thatatway, then who knows, we may be able to retrieve him a second time! .......... Brian.  

About This Item

Minibug 1

I represent a 1979 BMC Mini. (see my picture in the gallery). My owner fully restored me about ten years ago but he's into motorcycles these days so I don't get out much. Maybe "Minibug 1" can travel for me while I sit in the garage waiting patiently to be taken out again!

Gallery Images related to Minibug 1

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Tracking History (9903.7mi) View Map

Write note 03/19/2013 lintsae posted a note for it   Visit Log

Didn't see this in the currently noted cache

Write note 09/19/2011 I_J posted a note for it   Visit Log

Didn't see this one

Dropped Off 07/13/2011 AccidentalCacher placed it in Oldest Church Illinois - 465.68 miles  Visit Log

Dropped in Oldest Church

Retrieve It from a Cache 05/24/2011 AccidentalCacher retrieved it from JC’s Letterbox Hybrid by diecast64 Kansas   Visit Log

Grabbed this and will move it along.

Discovered It 05/22/2011 North Coast Cacher discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered this morning and doing just fine.

Dropped Off 04/25/2011 diecast64 placed it in JC’s Letterbox Hybrid by diecast64 Kansas - 129.06 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/22/2011 diecast64 took it to Mission 9: Tunnel of Light Washington - 44.22 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/22/2011 diecast64 took it to Geocaching Headquarters Washington - 1,469.93 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 03/24/2011 diecast64 retrieved it from Lincolnville 100 Kansas   Visit Log

Cool little car. We grabbed it out of a cemetery cache in KS and will move along soon.

Dropped Off 03/19/2011 VicknRandy placed it in Lincolnville 100 Kansas - 70.49 miles  Visit Log
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