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Travel Bug Dog Tag Sightseeing

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frau_bird Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Der TB soll um die Weltreisen und Fotos von Sehenswürdigkeiten aufnehmen, mit Cache, GPS und Beteiligten ganz egal.

1. Kamera aus dem Cache nehmen
2. Foto machen
3. Mitnehmen
4. Kamera in einem anderen Cache verstecken

Sobald die Kamera voll ist, bitte mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen. Nach der Entwicklung werde ich die Bilder online stellen.

This TB should travel around the world and take pictures of sights, with Cache, GPS and everybody who is involved.

1. take the camera
2. take a picture
3. take the camera with you
4. drop it in another cache.

Please contact me when the film is fully exposed. I will post the pictures after I get the camera back.

About This Item

No additional details available.

Gallery Images related to Sightseeing

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Tracking History (1719.3mi) View Map

Mark Missing 10/24/2012 TheDL marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message.
This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 09/29/2012 beukeltjes posted a note for it   Visit Log

Not seen this TB in cache "Zintuigen in het Bergsche Bos".

Write note 07/23/2012 Team A.A.P. posted a note for it   Visit Log

Niet aanwezig in deze cache!! (Zintuigen in het Bergsche Bos)

Write note 07/10/2011 kirauzera posted a note for it   Visit Log

i think this is really not in this place, maybe you should remove it.

Write note 04/17/2011 kapiteintje posted a note for it   Visit Log

Not seen this TB in cache "Zintuigen in het Bergsche Bos".

Write note 02/02/2011 ynnad1566 posted a note for it   Visit Log

sorry niet gezien...

sorry not seen...

Write note 07/12/2010 Biertje posted a note for it   Visit Log

Sorry, but this TB is not in this cache...

Write note 04/24/2010 smiek posted a note for it   Visit Log

niet in deze cache gevonden.

Dropped Off 11/14/2009 Fam Bosman placed it in Zintuigen in het Bergsche Bos Zuid-Holland, Netherlands - 314.37 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/14/2009 Fam Bosman retrieved it from Zintuigen in het Bergsche Bos Zuid-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

smile at the birdie!!!!!

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