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Travel Bug Dog Tag TPhysX's Travel Leuchte

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Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Thüringen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Travel from cache to cache!

About This Item


Da ich ein großer Fan von Taschenlampen bin, wird nur die kleinste auf Reisen geschickt!

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Tracking History (7545.5mi) View Map

Write note 01/13/2016 phivas & mitzar posted a note for it   Visit Log

We are sorry to report that, but the trackable wasn't in the Guanche caves cache 😟

Dropped Off 06/06/2015 HerrSatoruNakata placed it in Los Guanches en Abona No.1: Las Cuevas Islas Canarias, Spain - 2,031.88 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 06/02/2015 HerrSatoruNakata retrieved it from TB Hotel "Zum Pfahl" A8 / B300 [de/en] Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

Ich nehme diesen lustigen Kerl am Samstag mit auf eine wirklich lange Reise ....

Dropped Off 05/31/2015 alexander n placed it in TB Hotel "Zum Pfahl" A8 / B300 [de/en] Bayern, Germany - 153.21 miles  Visit Log

Jetzt geht's weiter

Retrieve It from a Cache 05/23/2015 alexander n retrieved it from TB-Coin-Hotel A5 Riegel Baden-Württemberg, Germany   Visit Log

Es geht nach Bayern

Dropped Off 05/14/2015 Kahuno placed it in TB-Coin-Hotel A5 Riegel Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 9.14 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/12/2015 Kahuno took it to Denzlinger Partnerschaften Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 11.67 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 04/22/2015 Kahuno retrieved it from Löß-Hohlweg Baden-Württemberg, Germany   Visit Log

Dunkel war's, der Mond schien helle - die Leuchte nicht und kam dennoch mit.

Dropped Off 04/15/2015 löwenmäulchen placed it in Löß-Hohlweg Baden-Württemberg, Germany - .33 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/15/2015 löwenmäulchen took it to schokoholikers Burzeltach Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 18.79 miles  Visit Log
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