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Travel Bug Dog Tag Grünes Ampelmännchen sucht rotes Ampelmännchen

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Friday, 31 December 2010
Berlin, Germany
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Current Goal

Das grüne und das rote Ampelmännchen wollen sich in irgendeinem Cache wiedertreffen.

The green and the red traffic-light man want to meet again in any Cache.

About This Item

Ampelmännchen on tour

Dies ist das weltberühmte grüne Ampelmännchen. Es will viel von der Welt sehen, aber ihm fehlt sein Partner, das rote Ampelmännchen. Helft ihnen, wieder zusammenzufinden und macht von beiden ein Foto im Cache!

This is the famous german green traffic-light man. It wants to see the world but misses his friend, the red traffic-light man. Help them to meet again and take a picture of them and the Cache when they do.

Gallery Images related to Grünes Ampelmännchen sucht rotes Ampelmännchen

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Tracking History (24600.6mi) View Map

Write note 05/15/2023 lykkegaard posted a note for it   Visit Log

Sorry - the cache DMD - Fødselsdagsdato is gone

Mark Missing 05/15/2023 lykkegaard marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Dropped Off 01/29/2022 katakarin placed it in DMD - Fødselsdagsdato Region Midtjylland, Denmark - .45 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/29/2022 katakarin took it to Spider #3 Region Midtjylland, Denmark - 2.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/29/2022 katakarin took it to Hammelbanen - Mod Stavtrup 1 Region Midtjylland, Denmark - 1.22 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/29/2022 katakarin took it to LETTERBOX 2/4 Region Midtjylland, Denmark - 2.91 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/28/2022 katakarin took it to 06 Jul i Østjylland Region Midtjylland, Denmark - 3.86 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/26/2022 katakarin took it to Netværk Region Midtjylland, Denmark - 3.66 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/25/2022 katakarin took it to 21 Jul i Østjylland Region Midtjylland, Denmark - .3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/24/2022 katakarin took it to 10 Jul i Østjylland Region Midtjylland, Denmark - 4.27 miles  Visit Log
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