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Travel Bug Dog Tag PiPo TB

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Saturday, 23 February 2008
Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of ReinaP.

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Current Goal

* Pipo pretende viajar e atender muitos geocaches em Portugal. Quando pudermos vamos ir pessoalmente a Portugal e vai visitar a ele. As fotos serão muito apreciados.

* Pipo desea viajar y conocer muchos geocaches en Portugal. Cuando podamos iremos personalmente a Portugal a visitarle. Las fotografias serán bien recibidas.

* Pipo wants to travel and meet many geocaches in Portugal. When we can we will go personally to Portugal and will visit to him. The Photos would be greatly appreciated.

About This Item


* Pipo es un pequeño, simpatico y elegante osito de tela.

* Pipo is a small, friendly and elegant teddy bear.

* Pipo é um pequeno e acolhedor e elegante ursinho.

Gallery Images related to PiPo TB

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Tracking History (12216.4mi) View Map

Visited 10/04/2024 ReinaP took it to Casa de pássaros Aveiro, Portugal - 12.25 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/04/2024 ReinaP took it to Escadas 2/3/2006 pedra Aveiro, Portugal - 12.31 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/31/2024 ReinaP took it to Jardim da Baixa de Santo António Aveiro, Portugal - .5 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/22/2024 ReinaP took it to Parque Infante D. Pedro Aveiro, Portugal - 3.51 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/17/2024 ReinaP took it to APITA O COMBOIO Aveiro, Portugal - 9.22 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/11/2024 ReinaP took it to Parque da Boiça Aveiro, Portugal - 1.26 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/11/2024 ReinaP took it to Parque da garaganta Aveiro, Portugal - 78.36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/27/2024 ReinaP took it to Tagus Triumphal Entrance on Rodão Doors Castelo Branco, Portugal - 19.64 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/27/2024 ReinaP took it to IGREJA SAO SALVADOR DO MUNDO Portalegre, Portugal - .72 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/27/2024 ReinaP took it to FONTE DA MEALHADA Portalegre, Portugal - .54 miles  Visit Log
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