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Travel Bug Dog Tag Beyblade Wolborg

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webster15 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, March 3, 2008
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CZ: Chtel bych se dostat z CR do zeme vzniku Beybladu, do Japonska a z Japonska pres USA zpátky do Ceské republiky, abych udelal cestu kolem sveta. Bude to dlouhá cesta, asi nekolik let, ale věřím že to dokážu a bude to stát za to!

EN: I want to get from the Czech Republic to Japan, place of origin of Beyblade and from Japan via the USA back to the Czech Republic. Probably, it will be a long way for a several years, but I believe I can do it and it will be great!

About This Item


CZ: Asi si ješte pamatujete na dobu Beybladu. V Evrope se Beyblade poprvé objevil v roce 2001 a zanedlouho si ho oblíbilo plno detí, nekdy i dospelých. Bylo to hlavne kvuli stejnojmenému seriálu, který se vysílal snad ve všech evropských státech. Nejlepší roky Beybladu byly 2001-2003, kdy s si s ním hráli skoro všichni kluci. Kdo z kluku nemel Beyblade, byl outsider. Ve školách se o prestávkách konaly turnaje ve speciálních malých arénách, po škole se hrálo u nekoho doma.
V roce 2003 ale zacali Beyblady upadat, prestávalo se tak casto hrát, nekdo ho i prestal nosit do školy. Nakonec turnaje skoncily úplne a v roce 2004 už se s ním nehrálo nikde. Beyblady bud skoncily v popelnici nebo ve skríni a nikdo si jich nevšímal. Tento TB je na pripomenutí zašlé slávy Beybladu. Na retízku je Beyblade Wolborg, jeden z méne castých, ale v arénách jeden z nejlepších.

EN: Maybe you still remember the times of Beyblades. In Europe was Beyblades first time in 2001 and a lot of childs started to love it. It was mainly because of TV serial, which was in all european TVs. The best years of Beybaldes were from 2001 to 2003, when almost all boys played with it. Who from boys didn'ť have beyblade, was outsider. In schools on breaks were tournaments in smalls arenas, after school childs played in some houses.
But in 2003 came Beyblades end. Childs forgot their enthusiasm and they stopped playing with Beyblades. In 2004 was Beyblade over. They ended in bins or lost in the cupboards.
This TB is for reminder of Beyblades. It's Beyblade Wolborg, one of the best in arenas.

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Tracking History (29403.2mi) View Map

Visited 8/21/2012 Madism40 took it to Omega Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 10.96 miles  Visit Log

Bezocht Omega (GC2W3RQ)

Visited 8/20/2012 Madism40 took it to Heerlijke dranken #3 Wijn Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 3.84 miles  Visit Log

Bezocht Heerlijke dranken #3 Wijn (GC3V0DR)

Visited 8/19/2012 Madism40 took it to In z'n element Netherlands - 3.76 miles  Visit Log
Visited 8/18/2012 Madism40 took it to Key Westeinder Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 11.11 miles  Visit Log


Retrieve It from a Cache 8/17/2012 Madism40 retrieved it from Amsterdam Trad's - GWL-terrein (former waterworks) Noord-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

Will drop it soon.

Dropped Off 8/11/2012 kesj42 placed it in Amsterdam Trad's - GWL-terrein (former waterworks) Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 64.14 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 8/10/2012 kesj42 retrieved it from De Slûzen fan Opsterlân 1 Friesland, Netherlands   Visit Log

Travel some kilometers tomorrow? Wait 'n See ....

Dropped Off 8/8/2012 Copes2 placed it in De Slûzen fan Opsterlân 1 Friesland, Netherlands - 13.61 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 6/23/2012 Copes2 retrieved it from De oude Pastorie Friesland, Netherlands   Visit Log

Sorry webster thought i did the logging ! But the blade is still in my possesion. Maybe this week i will sent it of for a long trip.......... To Be continued ......... :D

Dropped Off 6/7/2012 trackingbol placed it in De oude Pastorie Friesland, Netherlands - 52.72 miles  Visit Log
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