Little Blue Banana
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Sunday, 28 September 2008
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
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Die kleine blaue Banane ist auf der Flucht vor dem Hauskater. Sie will möglichst viel von der Welt sehen, deshalb nehmt sie mit, egal wohin. Fotos sind sehr willkommen!
English translation:
The little blue banana wants to escape the evil tomcat that always trys to chew it up. It wants to see the whole world. So take it "to anywhere". Pictures are very welcome!
Update 11/02/19: im just spotting in to say Thank You to all cachers for letting the Banana travel! I have currently some private occupations that don't allow me to go caching myself but I'm definetly keeping track o´n my travelers! Happy caching!
Da sie selbst ursprünglich aus einem Technikmuseum kommt, freut sie sich immer, alte Maschinen, Fahrzeuge oder sonstige alte Technik zu sehen.
English translation:
Since it originates from a technical museum it likes to see old machines, vehicles, technical buildings and so on.
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Tracking History (5669.7mi) View Map
hi.petr placed it in Sidliste Dedina/Settlement Dedina
Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
- 6.74 miles
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hi.petr retrieved it from Modrany II.
Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
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I'd like to know, where blue bananas grow 😁
Evulaci placed it in Modrany II.
Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
- 153.04 miles
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Evulaci retrieved it from Kostel Janske Lazne
Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
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Ou, blue banana, we wont eat it, we will put it somewhere.
knizmi placed it in Kostel Janske Lazne
Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
- 43.08 miles
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knizmi retrieved it from Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckeho
Středočeský kraj, Czechia
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Retrieved from Bukovno...
PsekTekk placed it in Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckeho
Středočeský kraj, Czechia
- 102.57 miles
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PsekTekk retrieved it from Údolí Vrbodol a jeskyně Partyzánská
Středočeský kraj, Czechia
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Muj prvni travel Bug. Snad jsem to dobre pochopil s jeho administrativou 🤭
| placed it in Údolí Vrbodol a jeskyně Partyzánská
Středočeský kraj, Czechia
- 99.53 miles
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GeoSaFa discovered it
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videno u geobubu, kdyz ho tahal z Tvrze Doubicko ;-)
data on this page is cached for 3 mins