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Travel Bug Dog Tag Traveling Rubboard

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Johny Cache Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Recently Spotted:
In Ronald McBug's Chocolate Oreo TB Cafe

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Use TB2AW05 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

I want to travel to the American state of Louisiana

About This Item

Hi, I'm the Traveling Rubboard from the Netherlands.
I want to travel to the American state of Louisiana, the home of Cajun and Zydeco music.
On the way to my destination, I don't mind at all visiting as many caches, places, and countries as possible.

"Laissez les bons temps rouler!" (Let the good times roll!)

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Tracking History (23931.6mi) View Map

Dropped Off 04/03/2016 Youdad placed it in Ronald McBug's Chocolate Oreo TB Cafe Oregon - 110.34 miles  Visit Log

Fly away, little TB. Burn rubber. Let the wind blow through your hair and the sand between you toes. Make your owner proud.

Retrieve It from a Cache 07/24/2015 Youdad retrieved it from Country Fair #21 Oregon   Visit Log

Thanks for putting out a TB for all of us crazies out here to oggle, oogle, fondle, and bundle. Will move on shortly... (maybe it can make it to the last block party!)...

Write note 06/30/2015 Team T.E.L.L. Hughes posted a note for it   Visit Log

Trackable was not in the Traditional Geocache Territorial Hwy GeoTour - #21 - Country Fair.

Dropped Off 08/16/2014 DexterRexter placed it in Country Fair #21 Oregon - 50.62 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 05/24/2014 DexterRexter retrieved it from Brewer's Union #20 Oregon   Visit Log

Ooops!! The rabbit hole of time sucked this one down with us for much of the summer. It got to enjoy some Oregon sunshine and some good live music but it's no closer to Louisiana unless me having a co-worker that grew up there counts?

Dropped Off 05/04/2014 D&CP28 placed it in Brewer's Union #20 Oregon - 28.78 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 04/20/2014 D&CP28 retrieved it from Saginaw Vineyard #4 Oregon   Visit Log

tctf! will replace quickly to get it on it's way!

Dropped Off 04/19/2014 Julielynn73 placed it in Saginaw Vineyard #4 Oregon - 2.66 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/19/2014 Julielynn73 took it to Territorial Hwy GeoTour - #5 - N. Regional Park Oregon - .72 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/19/2014 Julielynn73 took it to Village Green #8 Oregon - .33 miles  Visit Log
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