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Travel Bug Dog Tag Little Witch - Malá carodejnice - TB

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Me2d009 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, April 26, 2010
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Help little witch get into places where they met (Peter's stones, Kohlerberg-Uhlírský vrch near Bruntal, and other places associated with witchcraft).

Pomozte malé carodejnici dostat se do míst, kde se setkávali (Petrovy kameny, Kohlerberg-uhlírský vrch u Bruntálu, a na další místa spojená s carodejnictvím).

About This Item

The Little Witch

Witchcraft, in various historical, anthropological, religious and mythological contexts, is the use of supernatural or magical powers. Witchcraft can refer to the use of such powers in order to inflict harm or damage upon members of a community or their property. Other uses of the term distinguish between bad witchcraft and good witchcraft, the latter involving the use of these powers to heal someone from bad witchcraft. The concept of witchcraft is normally treated as a cultural ideology, a means of explaining human misfortune by blaming it either on a supernatural entity or a known person in the community. A witch (from Old English wicce f. / wicca m.) is a practitioner of witchcraft. Belief in witchcraft, and by consequence witch-hunts, is found in many cultures worldwide, today mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa (e.g. in the witch smellers in Bantu culture), and historically notably in Early Modern Europe of the 14th to 18th century, where witchcraft came to be seen as a vast diabolical conspiracy against Christianity, and accusations of witchcraft led to large-scale witch-hunts, especially in Germanic Europe. The "witch-cult hypothesis", a controversial theory that European witchcraft was a suppressed pagan religion, was popular in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Since the mid-20th century, Witchcraft has become the self-designation of a branch of neopaganism, especially in the Wicca tradition following Gerald Gardner, who claimed a religious tradition of Witchcraft with pre-Christian roots.

Carodejnictví neboli carodejství je oznacení pro nadprirozené pusobení známé v mnoha svetových kulturách, který však nemá žádnou obecne prijímanou definici. Muže být chápáno jako soucást magie, jindy je od ní oddelováno, jako méne intelektuální a více intuitivní. Ve vetšine kultur je spojováno predevším s ženami a také s pusobením zla pomocí magie. To vedlo k pronásledování skutecných ci domnelých praktikantu carodejnictví, predevším v rane novoveké Evrope, objevuje se však dodnes, predevším v zemích subsaharské Afriky. K nejcastejším schopnostem prisuzovaným carodejnicím patrí záškodná magie jako jsou kletby nebo uhranutí, milostná magie, veštení – predevším nekromantie. Praktikantka carodejnictví se nazývá carodejnice nebo s menší negativní konotací carodejka, praktikant se nazývá carodej ci carodejník.

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Mark Missing 7/26/2012 Me2d009 marked it as missing   Visit Log

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Write note 10/22/2011 solimv posted a note for it   Visit Log

Bohuzel na Plesivci neni...

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Visited 11/17/2010 kyblikzkfc took it to Jezis v dubu / Jesus in oak Ústecký kraj, Czechia - 44.36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/17/2010 kyblikzkfc took it to Statek Bernard Karlovarský kraj, Czechia - 1.81 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/17/2010 kyblikzkfc took it to Jednostoctyricetpetka - 6. Vlecka Medard I/Popílky Karlovarský kraj, Czechia - 11.03 miles  Visit Log
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