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Travel GPS Geocoin Polar Polo

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zouim Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 15 May 2010
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In the hands of nedlov.

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Current Goal

[FR] Polar Polo est un ours blanc, ours polaire qui souhaite, à l'aide de son GPS, toujours avancer vers le Nord pour arriver, le plus près possible du Pôle.

[EN] Polar Polo is a Polar Bear that wants to go north as close as possible to the North Pole.

About This Item

Polar Polo

[FR] Les ours polaires, ou ours blancs, sont une espèce menacée... prenez-en bien soin et envoyez de temps à autres quelques photos de Polo...

[EN] Polar bear is a vulnerable species; please take care of Polo and from time to time upload some pictures of it...

Gallery Images related to Polar Polo

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Tracking History (92949.2mi) View Map

Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to Lille G-09 Trøndelag, Norway - .26 miles  Visit Log


Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to Lille G-02 Trøndelag, Norway - 2.97 miles  Visit Log


Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to Hej Orkanger! Trøndelag, Norway - 1.79 miles  Visit Log


Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to GEOARTEN L #09 Trøndelag, Norway - .25 miles  Visit Log


Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to GEOARTEN L #04 Trøndelag, Norway - .25 miles  Visit Log


Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to GEOARTEN L #08 Trøndelag, Norway - .11 miles  Visit Log


Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to GEOARTEN L #07 Trøndelag, Norway - 1.11 miles  Visit Log


Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to TrønderJul 2022 #11 Juleselfie Trøndelag, Norway - 1.17 miles  Visit Log


Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to GEOARTEN L #11 Trøndelag, Norway - 19.74 miles  Visit Log


Visited 05/18/2023 nedlov took it to GEOARTEN L #03 Trøndelag, Norway - .33 miles  Visit Log


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