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10 10 10 Powers of Ten Multi Event Geocoin

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Monday, 06 August 2012
Washington, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of Zaubermaus606.

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

TRAVEL!!!  We have been geocaching since 2009 and have loved the new places we've wandered to as a result.  We purchased this lovely coin at an event on 10-10-10 and have been waiting for a special time/place to release it.  With an upcoming trip to Europe, now is the time!  Please help our coin travel and spread the word about the fun of geocaching!

About This Item

Powers of 10 coin

This is a gorgeous peach & pink colored round coin, with the numbers 10-10-10 all over it.  It has a beautiful compass rose on the one side.

Gallery Images related to 10 10 10 Powers of Ten Multi Event Geocoin

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Tracking History (222649.4mi) View Map

Visited 12/10/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to Neue Fahrradbrücke Ost Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 1.07 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/10/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to Inselcache 5 - Angeln auf der Insel Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 6.64 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/10/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to Kurfürstlicher Geburtstag Baden-Württemberg, Germany   Visit Log
Visited 12/10/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to Kurfürstlicher Geburtstag Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 15.3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/07/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to AKL24 07 - 8. Lampertheimer Weihnachtsmarktevent Hessen, Germany - 10.6 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/06/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to AKL24 06 - Nikolaus Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 12.32 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/05/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to 'Döner(test)tag' in Rimbach Hessen, Germany - 20.17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/04/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to Team Snoopy präsentiert: Filmklassiker II 🎬 Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - .15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/04/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to Team Snoopy präsentiert: Filmklassiker I 🎬 Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 1.16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/04/2024 Zaubermaus606 took it to Star Wars IV: Eine neue Hoffnung Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 1.2 miles  Visit Log
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