Tricia's Mission Belle
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Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
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In the hands of Ricky82.
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2011 I would like to travel to as many European countries as possible
In 2012 I would like to travel back to the United States and find my way home to Denver Colorado
Em 2011, eu gostaria de viajar por muitos países europeus, como possível
Em 2012, eu gostaria de viajar de volta para os Estados Unidos e encontrar meu caminho de casa para Denver, Colorado
My name is Belle. I was born one bright sping morning at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm. I am one of eight puppies and Snoopy's sister. You might recognize me from the Peanuts comic strip. I have been sent to Porto on business and have decided I want to travel a little before going home.
Congratulations Coala.3 - First to find!
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Ricky82 took it to Almodena [Vila Real]
Vila Real, Portugal
- 36.74 miles
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Ricky82 took it to Igreja de Bustelo - Chaves
Vila Real, Portugal
- 5.6 miles
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Ricky82 took it to Miradouro ou Mira Aquæ Flaviæ?
Vila Real, Portugal
- 2.45 miles
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Ricky82 took it to Pelourinho
Bragança, Portugal
- .57 miles
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Ricky82 took it to Padre Firminio Martins
Bragança, Portugal
- 25.14 miles
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Ricky82 took it to Torre de vigia dos incendios
Bragança, Portugal
- .34 miles
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Ricky82 took it to Só lá vai quem quer
Bragança, Portugal
- 19.67 miles
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Ricky82 took it to Igreja de Valdanta
Vila Real, Portugal
- 1.93 miles
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Ricky82 took it to Bem vindos a Chaves - Cidade Termal
Vila Real, Portugal
- 33.88 miles
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Ricky82 took it to Fraga do Ovo [Vila Flor]
Bragança, Portugal
- 30.53 miles
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