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Cachekinz Ranger Charlotte's Butterfly and Violet the Flower Fairy

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Barosinbliss Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, 07 September 2011
East Midlands, United Kingdom
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of dykkerne.

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

Use TB4E9AA to reference this item.

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Current Goal

My mission is for my butterfly to beat my brothers shark trackable [Ranger finn's shark and his friend Moby] by travelling the furthest. I CAN'T LET HIM WIN!!!

Photos of their travelling adventures would be much appreciated.

About This Item

My purple butterfly trackable and her friend Violet are both very excited about their travels but also very nervous. They would appreciate it if no one keeps them for too long.

Enjoy the caching!!!

Gallery Images related to Ranger Charlotte's Butterfly and Violet the Flower Fairy

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    Tracking History (26114.3mi) View Map

    Visited 04/04/2021 dykkerne took it to Buerøya Syd Vestfold, Norway - 21.67 miles  Visit Log

    På båttur

    Retrieve It from a Cache 05/23/2020 dykkerne retrieved it from "Støtta" Telemark/Vestfold TB-motell Telemark, Norway   Visit Log

    On the road

    Discovered It 05/02/2020 solveigmaa discovered it Telemark, Norway   Visit Log

    When crossing over the old border between Vestfold and Telemark in Norway, I came across this little fairy. She got well along with all the bunnies and forest gnomes in the area but implied she wants to travel on soon

    • TB4E9AA Loggbilde lastet opp fra Geocaching®-appen
    Discovered It 04/14/2020 Gryjon discovered it   Visit Log

    Seen during caching, thanks for sharing

    Discovered It 04/11/2020 Isfrue discovered it   Visit Log


    Dropped Off 03/28/2020 Gorm the cat placed it in "Støtta" Telemark/Vestfold TB-motell Telemark, Norway - 7.26 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 02/29/2020 Gorm the cat took it to Barnesanger: Mikkel Rev Telemark, Norway - .17 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 02/29/2020 Gorm the cat took it to Barnesanger: Blinke Blinke Stjerne Lill Telemark, Norway - 5.81 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 02/29/2020 Gorm the cat took it to Barnesanger: Rock 'n' Roll Fiskeboll Telemark, Norway - .2 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 02/29/2020 Gorm the cat took it to Barnesanger: Blåbærturen Telemark, Norway - .7 miles  Visit Log
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