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Brady the Baby Black Bear Travel Tag -- L'ourson Voyageur --

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valentin_83 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 17 January 2015
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of MiLo1717.

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Current Goal

Objective:  smileysmiley

He has to touch, if possible five continents

Go To The World and return atToulon (South of France in the VAR 83)...
Come Back to France!!!

About This Item


Déposé au cours d'un voyage au Mexique 2015... smileysmiley

Créé par 2 amoureux toulonnais

Bonne route, Bon voyage

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Tracking History (45181.5mi) View Map

Discovered It 10/26/2019 Postis70 discovered it   Visit Log

Thanks for sharing 😀

Discovered It 09/14/2018 Teddy_21 discovered it   Visit Log

Vu aux alentours du Mega GeocoinFest à Nantes.

Merci pour le partage

Retrieve It from a Cache 08/25/2018 MiLo1717 retrieved it from 006 circuit étang de aire. Grand-Est, France   Visit Log

Brady the bear est entre de bonnes mains, plus cas trouvé un petit nouveau pour le remplacer !

Dropped Off 08/25/2018 Malo08 placed it in 006 circuit étang de aire. Grand-Est, France - 33.51 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/23/2018 Malo08 took it to la cache d'YWEN Grand-Est, France - 15.85 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/22/2018 Malo08 took it to [SDS] Dalton#5 "William" Grand-Est, France - 51.75 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/22/2018 Malo08 took it to [SDS] Dalton#6 "Averell" Grand-Est, France - 9.95 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/21/2018 Malo08 took it to La Bibliothèque en plein air Grand-Est, France - 42.26 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/19/2018 Malo08 took it to Tour de lac#44 Grand-Est, France - .36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/19/2018 Malo08 took it to Tour de lac#43 Grand-Est, France - .14 miles  Visit Log
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