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Travel Bug Dog Tag BenSix

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smuchata Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal
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Unknown Location

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Comemoração do primeiro Rally Paper  "Rally dos Tesouros nos Açores Ilha Terceira
A Team BenSix participou e ficou no 2º Lugar
Passear de cache em cache e conhecer o mundo!!!
Tirem fotos por onde passar.

About This Item

ben six

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Gallery Images related to BenSix

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Tracking History (21677.8mi) View Map

Mark Missing 08/27/2020 addisonbr marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Dropped Off 07/25/2019 Wergy placed it in Snug as a Bug in Central Park New York - 3,380.93 miles  Visit Log

Espero que o tênis açoreano goste de NY. Ficou em pleno Central Park. Boa viagem

Visited 07/10/2019 Wergy took it to #13 - PT Bocage ConVida a Caminhar Setúbal, Portugal - 2,008.98 miles  Visit Log

de volta a Portugal, para dar um mergulho nas paradisíacas praias da Serra da Arrábida

Visited 06/30/2019 Wergy took it to Золотая пуля / 007 [E09] Golden Bullet Belarus - 1,270.28 miles  Visit Log

As caches que encontrei eram muito pequenas, para deixar o BenSix neste país do leste!!!

Visited 06/30/2019 Wergy took it to Oswalds' Asylum/Убежище Освальда Belarus - 1.04 miles  Visit Log

O tênis açoreano viajou até à capital da Bielorrússia, Minsk, para acompanhar os Jogos Olímpicos Europeus!!!

  • TB4WWM5 Imagem carregada através da aplicação de Geocaching®
Visited 06/23/2019 Wergy took it to Адам Мицкевич / Adam Mickiewicz Belarus - 1,875.34 miles  Visit Log
Visited 06/13/2019 Wergy took it to TRÊS CASTELOS BEACH Faro, Portugal - 99.14 miles  Visit Log

De férias numa das mais famosas praias de Portugal.
Praia da Rocha _ Algarve

  • TB4WWM5 Imagem carregada através da aplicação de Geocaching®
Visited 06/09/2019 Wergy took it to Pasmadinhos 🌼 Setúbal, Portugal - 772.3 miles  Visit Log

De visita à minha melhor cache!

Visited 05/17/2019 Wergy took it to PORT LUNEAU Pays de la Loire, France - .14 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/17/2019 Wergy took it to CHATEAU des CARMES- Mairie de La Flèche Pays de la Loire, France - .3 miles  Visit Log
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