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Travel Bug Dog Tag Volkswanderung

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Thursday, July 5, 2012
Hessen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In wedding bells

This is not collectible.

Use TB4Y99B to reference this item.

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_   _      _               _               _      _                 _ _   
| \ | |    | |             | |             (_)    | |               (_) |  
|  \| | ___| |__  _ __ ___ | |_   _ __ ___  _  ___| |__    _ __ ___  _| |_ 
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  \_/ \___/|_| |_|  \_____\__,_|\___|_| |_|\___| /___|\__,_|
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 _                         _                                            _ 
| |                       | |                                          | |
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| |_| | | |  __/  \ V  V / (_) | |  | | (_| |
 \__|_| |_|\___|   \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_|

About This Item

The king and his subjects

Über Bilder von besuchten Caches würde ich mich sehr freuen ;)
About Pictures of caches I visited would be very happy ;)

Gallery Images related to Volkswanderung

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    Tracking History (29091.4mi) View Map

    Write note 12/30/2016 Happy-Glampers posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Sadly we did not find this trackable when we visited "wedding bells" at Nostell priory. We hope that someone has beaten us to it and that it will turn up shortly. Happy new year.

    Dropped Off 3/13/2016 Gray Tom placed it in wedding bells Yorkshire, United Kingdom - 92.12 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 1/27/2016 Gray Tom retrieved it from The Gate East Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Will send this on its way soon

    Dropped Off 1/12/2016 thebrakes placed it in The Gate East Midlands, United Kingdom - 11.11 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 12/31/2015 thebrakes retrieved it from B4100 - Harwoods House West Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Wow, this fella has done some treavelling

    Dropped Off 12/30/2015 angebucket32 placed it in B4100 - Harwoods House West Midlands, United Kingdom - 15.24 miles  Visit Log

    Dropped in B4100 - Harwoods House (GC3HVYH)

    Visited 12/20/2015 angebucket32 took it to Strangled in Solihull -100 West Midlands, United Kingdom - 2.37 miles  Visit Log

    Visited Strangled in Solihull -100 (GC41KXK)

    Visited 12/18/2015 angebucket32 took it to royal british legion West Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Visited royal british legion (GC399YB)

    Retrieve It from a Cache 12/18/2015 angebucket32 retrieved it from Knights and a Lady at St Mary's West Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Collected to help it travel the world.

    Dropped Off 12/10/2015 sezbetts placed it in Knights and a Lady at St Mary's West Midlands, United Kingdom - 8.28 miles  Visit Log

    Left in historical temple balsall

    data on this page is cached for 3 mins