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Travel Bug Dog Tag Pierre qui roule

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LaDrôle2Girafe Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, November 5, 2012
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Bonjour [|)]

Je m 'appelle « Pierre qui roule ». Mon objectif est de voyager au fil de notre patrimoine, qu'il s'agisse d'un château, d'une chapelle au fond des bois, d'une fontaine, ou bien d'autres encore ! Mon intérêt se porte surtout sur l'aspect architectural, sur les méthodes de constructions de ces édifices, ainsi que de leurs différentes transformations à travers le temps. Le Travel Bug que je suis symbolise le matériaux de contruction : la Pierre ! Ce n'est pas pour rien que j'ai été relâché pour la 1ère fois sur le site d'une ancienne carrière destinée à la construction d'édifices remarquables.

Merci de vous prendre en photo devant le monument où vous relâcherez ce Travel Bug.



Hello [|)]

My name is « Pierre qui roule » (stone which runs). My objective is to travel in the course of our heritage, that it is about a castle, of a chapel deep in the woods, a fountain, either the others else! My interest concerns especially to the architectural aspect, to the methods of construction of these buildings, as well as their various transformations through time. The Travel Bug whom I am symbolizes materials of contruction: Stone ! It is for nothing that I was released for the 1st time on the site of a old career intended for the construction of remarkable buildings.

Thank you for photographing you in front of the monument where you will release this Travel Bug.


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Tracking History (32322.7mi) View Map

Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #24 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - .84 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #23 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - .2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #22 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - .33 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #20 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - .23 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #19 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - .21 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #18 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - .12 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #17 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - 7.25 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #16 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - .12 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #15 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - .27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/12/2015 twins-mom took it to Harzer Wilddiebe #13 Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - 1.19 miles  Visit Log
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