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Voyage of Exploration - Sea Geocoin "One Year of GeoDiscovers Coin"

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Phyllypsyus Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Arquipélago da Madeira, Portugal
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This is collectible.

Use TB59Q8A to reference this item.

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Current Goal

This Geocoin is in my private collection and it will be in my possession at the events Where I will be represented.


This coin is my own gift for my first Geocaching Birthday - 1 Year 

About This Item

this coin is the first design we got to the point of being ready to submit it to a mint, and we always planned on it being the first in a series of 4. This was probably a bit ambitious for our first coin, though in the end we managed to have it work out well.


This coin is the first design we got to the point of being ready to submit it to a mint, and we always planned on it being the first in a series of 4. This was probably a bit ambitious for our first coin, though in the end we managed to have it work out well.

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When we originally conceived of this design, we started with the basic outline for the back, and wanted to build on that. As this was the first design we’d done, we spent quite a bit of energy analyzing every step we took, and double-checking everything. In hindsight, this was probably the best thing we did with this coin, as it helped ensure that we identified the design features that we wanted to carry through the whole series. We also learned a lot as the design progressed through the blueprint stages, so that later designs could be (and were) easier and smoother to produce.



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Auf dem Discover Event entdeckt

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Während dem 100. Stammtisch Mittelhessen gesichtet!

Discovered It 04/28/2018 LU233 discovered it   Visit Log

Beim 100.Stammtisch in Marburg gesehen. Danke fürs Zeigen und gute Reise !

Discovered It 04/22/2018 Administrat0r discovered it   Visit Log

Diesen TB bzw. Coin durfte ich auf unserer Wochenendtour nach Marburg sehen und discoveren. Die meisten hiervon auf dem Stammtisch.

Danke, sagt Administrat0r

Discovered It 04/22/2018 Heida4 discovered it   Visit Log

TFTT!* :)

Discovered It 04/21/2018 Yvo111 discovered it   Visit Log

Beim 100. Stammtisch in Marburg gesehen.
Vielen Dank fürs zeigen.

Discovered It 04/21/2018 FamNau discovered it   Visit Log

Auf dem 100. Stammtisch jubiläum am Runden Baum gesehen.

Discovered It 04/21/2018 WuK78 discovered it   Visit Log

Beim 100. Stammtisch-Event in Marburg gesehen.

Discovered It 04/21/2018 Ganralf discovered it   Visit Log

Beim absolut super gut organisierten 100. Stammtisch in Marburg gesehen.

Discovered It 04/21/2018 Tauchsieder discovered it   Visit Log

Auf dem Marburger Jubiläumsstammtisch gab es jede Menge
TBs und Coins zu discovern. Danke für's Zeigen!

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