TB5RAGG [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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This beautiful geocoin was a gift to me and I am sending it out to teach other cachers of the good deeds of geocaching. Please move it along quickly.
10 Good Deeds of Geocaching
1. Move travelers
2. Hide well
3. Post photos
4. Help newbies
5. Log DNFs
6. Learn and educate
7. Respect nature
8. Cache in Trash Out
9. Log online
10. Trade up
Gallery Images related to 10 Good Deeds of Geocaching Geocoin TenGoodDeeds1 TenGoodDeeds2View All 3 Gallery Images
Thank you for sharing this nice "10 Good Deeds of Geocaching" Geo-Coin found in GC Gallery.
Diesen Geocoin fand ich heute bei meinen Aufzeichnungen...leider kann ich nicht mehr genau sagen wo ich ihn gesehen habe. Sorry dafür...weiterhin gute Reise!!!
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