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TB-Logger Tag Apis-Melifera

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Bienevadder Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Hessen, Germany
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In the hands of Big_Knoop.

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Current Goal

Sono una regina di api della Germania e mando a tutte le api del mondo forza, fiducia, coraggio e forza di volontà per oppore resistenza ai nemici delle api del miele.
Portami per favore nel sud italia nella regione Calabria, perchè là Aethina Tumida si sta annidando.
Non ci lasciamo abbattere cosi facilmente.
Dopodichè vorrei proseguire per l'America, perchè la Florida è stata colpita fortemente.
Anche là i miei simili hanno bisogno del mio sostengno. E se hai ancora forza, le mie sorelle in Asia e Australia dipendono del mio aiuto.
Regina delle api on the road,
 se incontri durante il camino BEEKEEPER, IMKER, APICOLTEUR,
 養蜂 家,apicoltori,пасечник,μελισσοκόμοι,byeboere,النحالين,apiarius , allora digli che ce la facciamo a  mantenere in salute le nostre colonie di api.

I am a honey bee queen from Germany and I am sending power to all bees of the world. I hope you have a strong will to fight again all enemies of the honey bee.

Bring me to Italy especially to south of Italy (Calabria). There the small hive beetle is starting to settle and it is one of the enemies of the honey bee.

The next steps are America, Asia, Australia.

Ich bin eine Bienenkönigin aus Deutschland und sende allen Bienen auf der Welt  Kraft, Zuversicht, Mut und einen starken Willen sich gegen die Feind der Honigbiene zur Wehr zu setzen. 

Bringe mich bitte nach Süd Italien in die Provinz Calabrien, dort nistet sich gerade der Beutekäfer ein. Wir lassen uns nicht unterkriegen. Dann müßte ich nach Amerika. Auch dort brauchen meine Artgenossen meine Unterstützung.

Und wenn Du noch Kraft hast, meine Schestern in Asien und Australien sind auf Hilfe angewiesen .

Bienenkönigin on the Road 



About This Item

wenn Du Beekepper,Imker, Api colteur, 養蜂家,apicoltori,пасечник,μελισσοκόμοι,byeboere,النحالين,apiarius

unterwegs triffst, sage Ihnen wir schaffen das und erhalten unser Bienenvölker.

Gute Grüße


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    Visited 3/30/2024 Big_Knoop took it to MRPT: alu-puika Latvia - .12 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/30/2024 Big_Knoop took it to MRPT: guntars00 Latvia - 1.25 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/30/2024 Big_Knoop took it to Empty soul Latvia - 1.34 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/30/2024 Big_Knoop took it to Nagelmuiža - Stop! No entry! Latvia - .71 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/30/2024 Big_Knoop took it to Es Tevi redzu, Tu mani nē ! Ziemeļu Latvia - 1.02 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/24/2024 Big_Knoop took it to 28 Balti Latvia - .2 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/24/2024 Big_Knoop took it to 29 Balti Latvia - .1 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/24/2024 Big_Knoop took it to 30 Balti Latvia - .1 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/24/2024 Big_Knoop took it to 31 Balti Latvia - .1 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 3/24/2024 Big_Knoop took it to 32 Balti Latvia - .21 miles  Visit Log
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