"Flies RITA" Baja TB Alentejo 2016
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Saturday, 09 January 2016
Beja, Portugal
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In billiger Jakob
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A missão deste TB é viajar de cache em cache, participando na Baja TB Alentejo 2016, um corrida de de trackables, organizada em conjunto pelo Geo Alentejo e pela GeoMag.
O objectivo principal desta corrida é premiar os trackables com mais quilómetros realizados durante (mais ou menos) 1 ano. Estes trackables são livres de passear pelo mundo inteiro!
A gestão da corrida será feita no site tb-run.com: http://www.tb-run.com/join.php5?run=BAJATBALENTEJO2016 e a partida será no dia 9 de Janeiro de 2016, durante o evento do 3º Aniversário do Geo Alentejo. Esta corrida terminará no dia 7 de Janeiro de 2017 às 23H59.
Mais informações no FaceBook, em GeoMag e Geo Alentejo
Aproveitem para tirar fotos divertidas e/ou interessantes com o nosso TB, ou nos locais onde o retirarem/colocarem, identifiquem-nas com #GeoMag , #Baja_TB_Alentejo_2016 , #GeoAlentejo , coloquem-nas na nossa página e habilitem-se a ganhar prémios ao longo da corrida. 
The mission of this TB is to travel from cache to cache, participating in TB Alentejo Baja 2016, a race of trackables, organized jointly by Geo Alentejo and the GEOMAG.
The main objective of this race is to reward the trackables more kilometers performed during (more or less) one year. These trackables are free to wander all over the world!
The management of the race will be on the tb-run.com site: http://www.tb-run.com/join.php5?run=BAJATBALENTEJO2016 and the match will take place on January 9, 2016, during the 3rd event Geo Alentejo birthday. This race will end on January 7, 2017 at 23:59.
More information, GeoMag and Geo Alentejo
Take the opportunity to take some interesting or funny photos with our TB, or in places where you withdraw or put. Identify them with #GeoMag, # Baja_TB_Alentejo_2016, #GeoAlentejo, put them on facebook and be able to win prizes throughout the race. 
Um Trackable não é um vulgar item de troca!
"Flies RITA" Baja TB Alentejo 2016 é um Traveller Travel Bug, que circula de geocache em geocache numa missão específica.
Se não deseja efectuar o registo da visita em geocaching.com, por favor NÃO LEVE ESTE ITEM CONSIGO. As suas viagens e o seu progresso dependem do registo das suas movimentações, incluindo a saída desta Geocache. Será necessário também efectuar um registo quando o colocar noutra Geocache. É simples!
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Tracking History (6026.6mi) View Map
SunnySolaire placed it in billiger Jakob
Bayern, Germany
- 14.74 miles
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Hier im schönen Bamberg schick ich den kleinen Flieger weiter auf die Reise!
SunnySolaire took it to Bamberger Dom
Bayern, Germany
- 14.59 miles
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SunnySolaire took it to Döritz
Bayern, Germany
- .15 miles
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SunnySolaire took it to Echte Walnuss
Bayern, Germany
- .16 miles
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SunnySolaire took it to Massiv
Bayern, Germany
- .1 miles
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SunnySolaire took it to Rückweg
Bayern, Germany
- 4.03 miles
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SunnySolaire retrieved it from Riedseehotel
Bayern, Germany
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Heute dem schönen Hotel am Riedsee einen Besuch abgestattet und diesen TB mitgenommen... Mal sehen, wo die Reise noch hinführt...
charly690 placed it in Riedseehotel
Bayern, Germany
- .12 miles
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charly690 took it to Dirty #12 Dozen hoppa hoppa Reiter
Bayern, Germany
- .16 miles
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charly690 took it to Dirty #11 Dozen anders angeln Zwei
Bayern, Germany
- .11 miles
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