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Travel Bug Dog Tag #03-D.G.S. - Pitts S-2b

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javs&family Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Lisboa, Portugal
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

This is not collectible.

Use TB7F54X to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Este não é um objecto de troca normal!

Poderá ser vista em eventos e outros locais e como tal poderá regista-la "como descoberta, como vista em...".


Its goal is to travel with us and visit all type GeoCaches and events we visit.

Can be viewed in other places and you may log "discover at...".

Air Race 
Montejunto 2015
O Tiro de Partida será a 19 de Dezembro de 2015 pelas 16.01 horas
A corrida terá a duração de 1 ano, sensivelmente, terminando às 00.00 horas do dia 31/12/2016

A missão da Diana Gomes da Silva  e do seu Biplano Pitts S-2b é de:

Visitar os Seguintes Monumentos: 
Monumentos Portugueses
- Castelo de Guimarães
- Bom Jesus de Braga
- Torre dos Clérigos
- Mosteiro da Batalha
- Real Fábrica do Gelo
- Palácio de Mafra
- Palácio da Pena
- Torre de Belém
- Cristo Rei
- Templo de Diana
Monumentos Europeus
– Familia Sagrada de Barcelona
- Santiago Bernabéu (Estádio do Real Madrid)
– Tour Eiffel
- Arco do Triunfo
- Big Ben
- Tower Bridge
-        Coliseu de Roma
-        Torre de Pisa
-        Portas de Bademburgo
-        Alianz Arena (Estádio do Bayern Munique)
A classificação será ordenada atribuindo os seguintes pontos:
* 1 ponto por cada kilómetro acumulado
* 100 pontos por cada movimento com fotos* com o TB dos Monumentos Portugueses, escolhidos pela Organização.
* 500 pontos por cada movimento com fotos* com o TB dos Monumentos Europeus, escolhidos pela Organização.
*As fotos anexadas, feito por um Geocacher diferente (logs de descoberto e notas não serão contabilizados)
* 1000 pontos por Distrito/Estado visitado.
* 5000 pontos por cada país diferente visitado.
* -5.000 pontos de penalização para movimentos efectuados pelo owner do trackable (excepção feita aos dois primeiros movimentos de largada no Tiro de Partida).
* -10.000 pontos de penalização para movimento fraudulentos que desvirtuem o espírito inicial da corrida (esta penalização poderá ser aplicada tantas vezes quantas necessárias para recolocar a verdade desportiva).


About This Item

D.G.S. - Pitts S-2b  1

#03-AIR-RACE Montejunto 2015

Corrida que é corrida precisa de bons pilotos e para esta corrida escolhi uma Mulher Portuguesa com o seu Biplano Pitts S-2b. 


Com apenas 27 anos e piloto de carreira na Etihad Airways, Diana Gomes da Silva tornou-se a primeira a mulher portuguesa a fazer acrobacias com aviões e a completar uma volta aérea sobre Portugal e Espanha, onde juntou mais de 5 milhões de espectadores pela Península Ibérica, sendo também a mais jovem piloto de acrobacias aéreas do mundo. 

Diana voa com um biplano Pitts S-2b.


Gallery Images related to #03-D.G.S. - Pitts S-2b

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Tracking History (33934.9mi) View Map

Discovered It 01/03/2025 Operation Monkeys discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered facebook
Thanks for sharing

Discovered It 12/17/2024 niggae discovered it   Visit Log

Seen today that nice trackable while reading some caches, logs, posts and profiles on the internet. I thank you a lot for sharing that trackable and wish you all the best and happy Geocaching.

Discovered It 12/17/2024 Vyrembi discovered it   Visit Log

Seen today that nice trackable while reading some caches, logs, posts and profiles on the internet. I thank you a lot for sharing that trackable and wish you all the best and happy Geocaching.

Discovered It 07/12/2024 JMVonFange discovered it   Visit Log

My mom, CRVonFange, shared her "discovered" TB data base with me to see if I could fill in a few missing TBCodes from my notes but I thought that I would start by discovering a few more trackables from her list on my lunchbreak today.

Discovered It 07/06/2024 CRVonFange discovered it   Visit Log

Thanks to the 2023 Christmas Day blizzard in northeast Nebraska my daughter, JMVonFange, was delayed in heading home to Oklahoma so we spent the bonus time together comparing our caching statistics including trackables moved/discovered and looking through our geocaching pictures. JM had discovered significantly more trackables than I had mainly because while staying home during the pandemic she spent time online and spotted numerous TBs that were being shared virtually on various social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc., whereas I ended up with more of a “to discover” list. After comparing and consolidating our notes and lists, it has taken me a substantial amount of time to create a “discovered/to discover” database by looking at each of the TB codes/pages—I probably should have posted my discovery logs individually for each TB, but I have become accustomed to using apps/websites like TB Scan, Project-GC and logthemall for logging multiple TBs at the same time.

I found a number of TB Codes necessary for discovering the trackable were actually included right on the TB Page itself or as an unintentional spoiler in the TB photo gallery. I also found TB codes left behind in discovery logs posted by other cachers. In addition to the numerous TB codes found on the various social media sites, several trackable owners shared lists of their entire collection directly with JM (which prompted me to make a similar request) resulting in a quite lengthy “to discover” list that I am now attempting to shorten. Most of the codes were spotted on Facebook, but Chembrat also shared her file of TB codes with me and this one may have been on that list.

Hopefully, my data base will help me to avoid multiple discoveries of the same trackable although I did find several TBs that I have actually retrieved/grabbed/moved twice. If I have accidentally discovered your trackable due to a typo, I hope that you will allow my discovered log to remain even though virtual discoveries are becoming less common, as I appreciate the opportunity to see such a wide variety of different and unique trackable items. I only have two trackables that are activated at this time, one is lost in the wild and the other is traveling with me, but I will gladly share the codes with you via the geocaching message center if you are interested in discovering them. You can reach out the same way if you want one or more of your TBs to visit caches in Nebraska, Iowa, and/or South Dakota.

Visited 06/29/2024 javs&family took it to CampingParty@Montejunto'24 Lisboa, Portugal   Visit Log
Visited 04/05/2024 javs&family took it to CampingParty@Montejunto'24 Lisboa, Portugal - 33.4 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 02/10/2024 jezevcik discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it.

Discovered It 10/29/2023 Dorset Scarecrow discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered your trackable - thank you for sharing

Visited 09/28/2023 javs&family took it to Wonderful Sintra Lisboa, Portugal - 45.37 miles  Visit Log
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