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Travel Bug Dog Tag Flower TB

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titiaflamme Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 07 October 2017
Québec, Canada
Recently Spotted:
In 09/20 - Do Castello até Pisões

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Current Goal

I want to bloom around the world.

About This Item

I was found in a cache, my owner made an exchange and decided to make me a TB. I am worth more than a keychain. I deserve to bloom all around the world. Make me travel and take pictures of me in your garden or next to a plant which is typical from your place.

Gallery Images related to Flower TB

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    Tracking History (31644.4mi) View Map

    Visited 11/02/2024 Aziul took it to Meet and Greet in Monte Gordo Faro, Portugal - 42.54 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 05/26/2024 Aziul took it to Dia da Espiga Faro, Portugal - 73.91 miles  Visit Log
    Dropped Off 01/14/2023 Aziul placed it in 09/20 - Do Castello até Pisões Beja, Portugal - 83.15 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 01/14/2023 Aziul took it to 08/20 - Do Castello até Pisões Beja, Portugal - 83.26 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/17/2022 Aziul took it to Community Celebration Event - GeoPizza de Natal Faro, Portugal - 67.61 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/11/2022 Aziul took it to CITO en El Pinar de Las Sordas Andalucía, Spain - 40.31 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/11/2022 Aziul took it to Torre de Aires Faro, Portugal - 39.99 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/11/2022 Aziul took it to E já eu era velhinho. Faro, Portugal - 39.5 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/11/2022 Aziul took it to Embarcaderos. Pinar Las Sordas Andalucía, Spain - .65 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/11/2022 Aziul took it to Cheirolophus uliginosus. Flora endémica onubense Andalucía, Spain - .2 miles  Visit Log
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