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Voyager autant que possible de cache en cache, à travers la France... l'Europe... le Monde !
Et être pris en photo pour que son propriétaire suive ses aventures à distance.
Travel as much cache as possible, across France... Europe... World !
And be photographed so that the owner follows his adventures at distance.
Notre famille compte 4 membres :
- Aurore et Julien, les parents
- Hugo et Léna, les enfants.
Chacun a choisi son canard et les 4 TB ont été déposés dans la même cache, près d’Orléans (Loiret – 45 – France) le 24 mai 2017.
Nous souhaitons simplement que nos petits canards voyagent le plus possible, et prendrons plaisir à comparer leurs déplacements : lequel parcourra le plus de distance ? Lequel voyagera dans le plus de caches ? Lequel visitera le plus de départements, de régions, de pays ? … ?
N’hésitez surtout pas à illustrer ses péripéties en publiant des photos de notre ami palmé !
Merci d’en prendre soin, de ne pas le garder ou de l’immobiliser trop longtemps, et de bien enregistrer rigoureusement son parcours.
Our Family has 4 members :
- Julien and Aurore, the parents
- Hugo and Léna, the children
Each one chose his duck and the 4 TB were deposited in the same cache, near Orléans (Loiret - 45 - France) on 24 may 2017.
We wish only that our little ducks travel as much as possible, and will enjoy comparing their travels : wich one will travel the most distance? Which one will travels in the most caches? Wich one will visit most departments, regions, countries...?
Do not hesitate to illustrate his adventures by publishing photos of our little friend
Thank you for taking care os it, not to keep it or immobilize it for too long, and to carefully records its course
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Ústecký kraj, Czechia
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Kavau-FO took it to B303/ Autobahn
Bayern, Germany
- 54.71 miles
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Kavau-FO took it to Über der Stadt 👀 im Oberen Torturm
Bayern, Germany
- 4.14 miles
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Kavau-FO took it to Donnerstags nen Döner 🥙
Bayern, Germany
- 20.38 miles
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Kavau-FO took it to Eiszeit in Forchheim 2024/07
Bayern, Germany
- 35.34 miles
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Kavau-FO took it to The early bird CACHES the Event - Neumarkt/OPf.
Bayern, Germany
- 81.05 miles
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Kavau-FO took it to Mach mer mal ne Pause .... Versuch #12
Bayern, Germany
- 27.69 miles
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Kavau-FO took it to Hbwd 13 B-Turm
Thüringen, Germany
- .13 miles
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Kavau-FO took it to Hbwd 12 Bird home
Thüringen, Germany
- .12 miles
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Kavau-FO took it to Hbwd 11 Gruesse aus Kuba
Thüringen, Germany
- .23 miles
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