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Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug "Siruguppa, India" Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug

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____Unite for Diabetes Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, 04 December 2006
New York, United States
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

The goal for this Unite For Diabetes Travel Bug is to raise awareness of diabetes by traveling to Siruguppa and within Siruguppa, collecting photographs and geocaching logs along the way. Please log your visit and move me to a new geocache.

About This Item

Unite for Diabetes Travel BugThis Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug is part of the Unite for Diabetes Geocaching Campaign. To find out more about the Campaign and enter the photo contest, please visit

This Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug is dedicated to the people in Siruguppa, India who have been affected by Diabetes. View Geocaches near Siruguppa.

Gallery Images related to "Siruguppa, India" Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug

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    Tracking History (13061.2mi) View Map

    Mark Missing 03/23/2024 guriezo_city marked it as missing   Visit Log

    This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

    Dropped Off 10/17/2020 chusker placed it in LM: Vía Chiquita. #07 Mina Consolación País Vasco, Spain - 56.28 miles  Visit Log

    I drop this TB here in GC7KHT4. Farewell!

    Retrieve It from a Cache 09/27/2020 chusker retrieved it from Punta de Yesera (o el vuelo del buitre leonado) Cantabria, Spain   Visit Log

    Come with me!

    Dropped Off 09/19/2020 enaprietos placed it in Punta de Yesera (o el vuelo del buitre leonado) Cantabria, Spain - 42.94 miles  Visit Log

    Dejo que siga su viaje el rastreable y siga concienciando sobre la diabetes. Creo que lo dejo en un paraje precioso y que merece mucho la pena visitar.

    Discovered It 12/01/2019 Lola C discovered it   Visit Log

    Visto en Ramales de la Victoria, mientras buscaba a Carmen Sandiego, e intentaba resolver el misterio de la Flor del Mar.

    Discovered It 09/14/2019 rucapina discovered it   Visit Log

    Discovered at the event of in Cantabria.
    Thanks for sharing it!

    Discovered It 09/10/2019 Utopity discovered it   Visit Log

    Visto durante el evento anual de Geocaching Spain en Ramales (Cantabria).
    gracias por compartir el TB

    Discovered It 09/09/2019 EsgallaFamilyTeam discovered it   Visit Log

    08/09/2019 Visto en el evento de Carmen Sandiego en Ramales de la Victoria! :)

    Discovered It 09/09/2019 Mariutxi discovered it   Visit Log

    Visto en el evento de Carmen San Diego de Septiembre de 2019.

    Discovered It 09/09/2019 Nae_S discovered it   Visit Log

    Discovered it. Thank you for sharing.

    data on this page is cached for 3 mins