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Travel Bug Dog Tag F16 Caching Falcon RACE bug

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of beaches:)baby.

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Current Goal

!!! Vyhrat TB zavod AIR CHALLENGE 2008 !!!

!!! To win the AIR CHALLENGE 2008 TB race !!!

29/9 2008 - 31/3 2009

Co nejvíce letu, co nejvíce letišt, co nejvíce letadel!

As much of flights, airports, or airplanes as possible!

About This Item


I am a race Travel Bug, so please don't keep me long and rather drop me as soon as possible to another geocache, preferably closely to an airport, or take a picture of me with an airplane or what's the best of all - on an airplane. Thank you, buddies!

* 1 point for each kilometer of distance travelled
* 200 points for each state, TB has visited
* 500 points for every visited cache close to the airport
- 500m distance from the cache to the airport is accepted
- restrictions: each airport is valued only once, more visits of the same airport are irrelevant
* 1000 points for every photograph of this travel bug with any airport equipment or machinery (buildings, runways, radars, etc)
- one airport = only one photograph is valued
* 2000 points for each photograph showing this travel bug on a board of an airplane, seeing the ground from above (runway, clouds, anything down there...)
- only one picture between taking and dropping of this TB is accepted
- only one picture from each cacher is accepted
RESTRICTION:One geocacher can help the travel bug only once, i.e. you are allowed to post a photo in each situation (max = A+B+C+D+E, sum of points to be added for one TB drop or collection).

Jsem zavodni travelbug, proto nenechavej si me prosim dlouho a radeji me rychle posoupni zase do nejake kesky, co mozna nejdal, co mozna k letisti, co mozna do letadla, at ten zavod vyhrajem... Dekuju mockrat!

* 1 bod za každý prekonaný kilometr (je jedno jestli po zemi, po vode, nebo vzduchem)
* 200 bodu za každý stát, který TB navštíví
* 500 bodu za každou navštívenou keš v blízkosti letište
- toleruje se vzdálenost do 500 m od letište
- omezení: jedno letište se zapocítává jen jednou, další návštevy již navštíveného letište nejsou bodovány
* 1000 bodu: Fotografie, na níž bude viditelný TB a cást zarízení letište (budova, letištní plocha,...)
- jedno letište = jedna bodovaná fotografie
* 2000 bodu: Fotografie, na níž bude viditelný TB a pohled z okýnka letadla - runway, mraky, pohled dolu...
- zapocítává se jedna fotografie mezi vyzvednutím a položením TB
- zapocítává se jedna fotografie na jednoho nálezce
OMEZENÍ:Jeden nálezce = jen jedno pricítání bodu (max = A+B+C+D+E, které musí být pricteny na jedno vyzvednutí TB ).

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Tracking History (26905.2mi) View Map

Visited 10/5/2012 Blohminator took it to Höhlenbewohner#6 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 9.47 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/4/2012 Blohminator took it to Neueröffnung TB Hotel zur alten Weide Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 3.76 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/4/2012 Blohminator took it to Kunde Ist König Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 3.86 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/4/2012 Blohminator took it to Todesmarsch von Auschwitz nach Holstein 1945 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 2.37 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/4/2012 Blohminator took it to Rehgatter Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 15.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/4/2012 Blohminator took it to Säufer- Schleichweg die Dritte Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 1.39 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/4/2012 Blohminator took it to retten löschen bergen schützen Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 2.95 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/4/2012 Blohminator took it to Mach mal Pause Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 17.23 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/3/2012 Blohminator took it to Im Wald -8- Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - .12 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/3/2012 Blohminator took it to Im Wald -7- Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - .1 miles  Visit Log
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