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Jeep 4x4 Travel Bug Jeep 4x4 #0143

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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Michigan, United States
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In the hands of GeoJudt.

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Move me to another cache so I can meet another geocacher.

About This Item

This Jeep 4x4 Travel Bug is a two inch die-cast yellow Wrangler with an official Travel Bug tag attached (like this one!). Each Jeep 4x4 Travel Bug has a unique tracking number that leads to a custom Web page. Four thousand have been hidden in caches across the U.S. as part of the Jeep 4x4 Cache-In Adventure! Visit for more details and enter the sweepstakes for your chance to win one of three new Jeep 4x4s!

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    Tracking History (58425.2mi) View Map

    Retrieve It from a Cache 7/8/2004 Mooch and Earl retrieved it from Deer Rock Pennsylvania   Visit Log

    A new cache by Ian. Promises to be as great as Umbella Rock. Enough said, we have to go. Our hike out to the cache was not as entertaining as Ian's. We enjoyed the trip in and the rocks even more. But remember to read the hints, it make scaling the rocks walls unnecessary. We will have no problems finding an excellent location for this guy.

    Write Jeep 4x4 Contest Essay 7/6/2004 Ian5281 submitted a Jeep 4x4 Cache-In contest essay for it   Visit Log

    This bug's first cache is to be my new cache at Deer Rock. Deer Rock is a remote site with large spectacular petroglyphs, and amazing balancing rocks. I had made the trip to the area a few times along the same route, but today I thought I would investigate the only other possible route to the area as I carried the brand new cache out to be hidden. I brought my entire family with me...a 2 year old little girl, a 3 year old boy, my wife, and my retired parents.
    Let me start by stating that there WAS a road on the map, showing a route nearby the cache area. Heck, that road was even on the topo map in my GPS! How bad could it be? The starting point was only about 1/4 mile from the cache, as opposed to 1 full mile from the old route, but had to loop around a few creeks, and some swamp.
    The hike started off wonderfully. Huge trees, and nice deep forest scenery were all around us. By the time we had hiked about 3/4 mile down the hill, the Jeep trail on the map crossed the first creek. We took our shoes off, and waded across, carrying the children. On the other side, we put the shoes back on our muddy feet and kept on hiking. The trail was now far less obvious, and the surroundings were getting very dense. We came upon another creek...but the trail had vanished, so we had to bushwhack down the bank, and cross. There was very little water, but ample MUD... DEEP mud...The kind that sucks your shoes off when you try to cross while carrying children! Most of us kept our shoes on as we crossed, but the trail was even harder to identify on the other side. The vegetation was DENSE too. We made our way to the next creek that we had to cross, and sent one of our team out for recon. The Jeep trail had dissolved into the swamp. "But the road is on the map!" was the phrase most heard from my mouth as I was defending the action of dragging my wife into this situation. (note: The kids were actually having a good time!) We were now in the center of the swamp. We finally opted to give up the bushwhacking in favor of walking thru the creek. We all had worn pretty expensive shoes, and none of us were keen on subjecting them to this kind of punishment, but we had no better options. We were still about 1/4 mile away from the proposed cache location, because we had been traveling AROUND it, and not to it because of the swamp and creeks. We slogged thru the water, down the creek until we could find a break in the underbrush that we could use to enter the forest again. The GPS brought us to the Deer Rock area... we found a nice ledge under a spectacular balancing rock to stash the ammo can we had carried out. We opted to take the preferred route back to the road, but had to walk 2 miles to the car when we got there. (well... I had to walk.. the rest of the crew waited by a spring for me to return with the Jeep.) I guess the adventure is not left to those who seek the caches! Those who hide them get it too!

    Dropped Off 7/6/2004 Ian5281 placed it in Deer Rock Pennsylvania   Visit Log
    Grab It (Not from a Cache) 7/6/2004 Ian5281 grabbed it   Visit Log

    This one is going into my newest cache....

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