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Travel Bug Dog Tag Deadly Duck: Gluttony

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Jeremy Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, 08 October 2001
Washington, United States
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In the hands of the owner.

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Current Goal

Tell a short story about committing the terrible sin of gluttony. Nothing incredibly evil. An example may be to decide on super sizing your fries even though you're on a diet...

About This Item

Glut loves ribs!

While travelling north through New Mexico I encountered a vortex where 7 deadly ducks emerged from the gates of hell (not Hell, the flaming sort, but the lowercase hell where all the mischevious critters live).

The only way to escape from these creatures is to tell a story about a specific sin you made. In this case the sin of gluttony.

Since this is little "h" hell, your sin can be pretty petty and small. Anything larger and the poor ducks tend to explode into flames. Leave the stronger sins to the big flaming ducks from the big "H".

Each deadly duck is tagged with its own special tracking number. See how far you can take it!

Gallery Images related to Deadly Duck: Gluttony

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Tracking History (11898mi) View Map

Discovered It 09/15/2023 MiriCach discovered it   Visit Log

TL;DR: We don't have the trackable (and feel sorry for you if it means it is still missing), but stumbled upon its discovery code.

The story: I discovered this trackable/coin when I cracked the cache "Msportis Coinlihaus der 2." and then was able to reverse-engineer some Coins/TBs of the owner Msporti as well. By pure chance / luck while testing out possibilities for this I also came across this TB/coin. We hope that it's okay that we discover it, if not, feel free to delete this log. TFTC/TFTT 😉

Discovered It 09/23/2022 Allyboballyy discovered it   Visit Log

At HQ!

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 03/08/2016 Jeremy grabbed it   Visit Log

Grabbing back the trackable.

Discovered It 11/14/2014 TeamDAAK discovered it   Visit Log

I am going through pictures and hand written notes of trackables that I have seen along the geocaching trail. I cannot say when I discovered your trackable, although many of the pics seem to be from 2012 Block Party or APE Event. Thanks for sharing.

Discovered It 10/28/2013 Earthbound Chief discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered while at the 2012 Block party - sorry for the late logging

Visited 05/25/2013 CAche MARU took it to Festival Club Ibiza - Lost Place Islas Baleares, Spain - 5,522.71 miles  Visit Log
  • visiting Sel Salinas
  • lost place
Discovered It 05/19/2013 AlfonsoyRosa discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it in the hands of Cache Maru

  • Uups...
Discovered It 05/19/2013 Mincha discovered it   Visit Log

Yesterday, I have a meal with Samsy in Madrid Spain and just in the middle of the meal she toke off this duck, it was terrible because we had a bit of gluttony.

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 05/15/2013 CAche MARU grabbed it   Visit Log

grabbed from Jeremy for a little world traveling and surely some gluttony and other sins

Discovered It 10/22/2012 SwineFlew discovered it   Visit Log

I am catching up with my coin logging. Thank you for the discovering. :)

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