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Travel Bug Dog Tag The ACME Thunderer

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polarbear dave Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Québec, Canada
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Current Goal

This old sports whistle needs to make it back to England where it was made. It would be a hoot if it could be used at a soccer match for atleast one play and then come back to Canada. Although it could be well traveled anywhere as long as it made it to some sporting events.

About This Item

This is an old whistle that was used at Canadian amature hockey games in the 1960's. It still has the origional cork ball inside. It isn't as loud as a 'Fox 40' but there is alot of sports history behind it.

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Tracking History (9645.9mi) View Map

Write note 07/02/2018 Koudey posted a note for it   Visit Log

Není v keši. Not in this place.

Discovered It 07/03/2017 pet4u discovered it   Visit Log

Seen at its gallery, thanks.

Write note 07/03/2017 pet4u posted a note for it   Visit Log

Sorry, this TB is not in the cache CERNY VRCH / THE BLACK HILL :-( Please mark it as Missing.

Write note 06/21/2017 kozohroch posted a note for it   Visit Log

After my visit today I can wittness, that this trackable is not present in GCQ1P2. I recommend to Anad, owner of the geocache, to remove it virtually and mark the whistle as missing. polarbear dave was last time logged in to GC.COM in 2015, he has probably already stopped playing our game.

Discovered It 11/27/2015 Codyjack 11 discovered it   Visit Log

seen it virtualy

Discovered It 01/20/2015 Cabadaj discovered it   Visit Log


Dropped Off 03/01/2014 Veniens placed it in CERNY VRCH / THE BLACK HILL Hlavní město Praha, Czechia - 49.2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 02/27/2014 Veniens took it to Decinske mosty #1 - Zapomenuty most Ústecký kraj, Czechia - 86.04 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 02/22/2014 Veniens retrieved it from Lesni poklady #6 Jehliste Středočeský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

A good and old TB!

Discovered It 02/21/2014 Beerius discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it in Lesni Tajemstvi #6: Jehliste cache. Thanks!.

data on this page is cached for 3 mins