TB1ZA2X [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Saliah ist im Verständnis der christlichen Tradition jemand, der von Jesus Christus direkt als „Gesandter“ (Apostel) beauftragt worden ist.
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[b][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][blue]Catching up on some discoveries on trackables made over the past couple of weeks, months, and years after attending events and finding geocaches. Thank you for sharing with us.
Thanks for sharing your collection. Carry on.
Thank you for letting us discover your fantastic collection of trackables.
vielen dank an Nebukatneza für´s zeigen dieser vielen klasse coins. eine tolle sammlung! beste grüße, die granny.
Thank you for sharing your awesome collection of Geo Coins. You have a very impressive collection!
[font=Comic sans MS][size=4][green]Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing collection of coins![/green][/size]
Very impressive collection of amazing coins. Thank you!
I see this List on the www Thank you for this discovern
Vielen Dank das wir den schönen Coin discovern durften! 😁 Grüße aus Bassum
This is a beauty that ties Matthew's gosple of "seek and ye shall find". What a nice coin. Thanks for the icon.
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