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Travel Bug Dog Tag Deadly Duck: Sloth

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Jeremy Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 12 October 2001
Washington, United States
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Current Goal

Tell a short story about committing the terrible sin of sloth. Nothing incredibly evil. An example may be to tell a story of something really lazy, like watching a bad episode of the Brady Bunch because you weren't willing to push yourself to the other side of the couch so you could reach the remote.

About This Item


While travelling north through New Mexico I encountered a vortex where 7 deadly ducks emerged from the gates of hell (not Hell, the flaming sort, but the lowercase hell where all the mischevious critters live).

The only way to escape from these creatures is to tell a story about a specific sin you made. In this case the sin of sloth.

Since this is little "h" hell, your sin can be pretty petty and small. Anything larger and the poor ducks tend to explode into flames. Leave the stronger sins to the big flaming ducks from the big "H".

Each deadly duck is tagged with its own special tracking number. See how far you can take it!

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Tracking History (77mi) View Map

  • 01-08 of 08 records ·
  • 01
Discovered It 09/15/2023 MiriCach discovered it   Visit Log

TL;DR: We don't have the trackable (and feel sorry for you if it means it is still missing), but stumbled upon its discovery code.

The story: I discovered this trackable/coin when I cracked the cache "Msportis Coinlihaus der 2." and then was able to reverse-engineer some Coins/TBs of the owner Msporti as well. By pure chance / luck while testing out possibilities for this I also came across this TB/coin. We hope that it's okay that we discover it, if not, feel free to delete this log. TFTC/TFTT 😉

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 10/29/2002 Nohokomeen grabbed it   Visit Log

Ha! Who'd have thought that after climbing almost 5,000 ft. to Sourdough Mountain Lookout in North Cascades National Park I'd find a devil duck. It certainly wasn't sloth that got me or the other poor sap up there. But the two days of complete zen relaxation up there would probably send me to little h hell.
Sloth the Deadly Duck almost went straight to hell itself when my friend (we are both NPS employees) almost sent it to the slammer for good. It took some pleading on my part to keep Sloth in circulation. So all you geocachers owe me. Your punishment (from hell) is to be a good person and stop putting s**t in National Parks, especially caches.
Check out my pictures of Sloth on Sourdough!

  • Sloth on Sourdough Mountain
  • Sloth in Sourdough
  • View Toward Hozomeen Mountain
  • Sourdough Mountain Lookout
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/19/2001 TwoStep retrieved it from Corny Washington   Visit Log
Dropped Off 10/23/2001 Whidbey Walk placed it in Corny Washington - 45.34 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/22/2001 Whidbey Walk retrieved it from Haiku Duck Washington   Visit Log

The first travel bug that I have come accross and it was in the nick of time by the looks of the other ducks in the Haiku Duck cache. Sloth is now on the move (not very slothfull really). As far as my sin goes: I confess. I only found 1 geocache in the entire month of September and it was only 15.5 miles from home.

Dropped Off 10/21/2001 EraSeek placed it in Haiku Duck Washington - 31.63 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/13/2001 EraSeek retrieved it from da Vinci's Cable Washington   Visit Log

I have the slothfull devil ducky from lower case H E double hocky sticks. Refer to the photo to see where it is going...To devil ducky HECK! Sooo, I gotta confess here huh? Well...I have been a little slothful about painting the house, replacing the carpet, getting a new couch, taking care of the cars, counting how many kids I have now, seeing if I still have a wife, BUT ONLY BECAUSE I BEEN BUSY GEOCACHING LATELY! i can stop annnnytime I want to!!

  • Devil Ducky HECK!
Dropped Off 10/12/2001 Jeremy placed it in da Vinci's Cable Washington   Visit Log
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  • 01-08 of 08 records ·
  • 01