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Bremen 2008 Geocoin Minz TB - Keule

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minz Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 22 August 2008
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
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In the hands of 13EJM13.

This is not collectible.

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Please don't use 'took it' for this TB, only drop and retrieve. Thank you.

Bitte benutze nicht die Funktion 'besucht' beim loggen eines Caches für diesen TB. Danke.


About This Item

Minz TB - Keule

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Gallery Images related to Minz TB - Keule

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Tracking History (62423.3mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 10/20/2024 13EJM13 retrieved it from Riftstone New York   Visit Log

Retrieved from the riftstone arch yesterday. I was on vacation, so I will take it back home in Michigan!

Dropped Off 10/18/2024 drorsela placed it in Riftstone New York - 4,171.96 miles  Visit Log

Took this one from vienna! Glad to give it a new home

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 08/05/2024 drorsela grabbed it   Visit Log

Been travelling around Europe, will take this with me to my next location:)

  • Been travelling around Europe, will take this with me to my next location:)  Log image uploaded from Geocaching® app
Dropped Off 08/05/2024 Gioebasta_LaPatty placed it in VIENNA TOILET CACHE Wien, Austria - 161.06 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/04/2024 Gioebasta_LaPatty took it to Zauberkistn 10.1 Zum Kuckuck Kärnten, Austria - 150.1 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 07/16/2024 Gioebasta_LaPatty retrieved it from Castel Stenico Trentino–Alto Adige, Italy   Visit Log

E dopo una estenuante salita sotto il sole . Un premio ci aspetta!!! Preso per proseguire in un altro viaggio e un’altra avventura.

Dropped Off 06/01/2024 RossoCube placed it in Castel Stenico Trentino–Alto Adige, Italy - 97.23 miles  Visit Log

Ti lasciamo in un bel castello!

Visited 03/24/2024 RossoCube took it to Modenano Emilia–Romagna, Italy - 363.8 miles  Visit Log

Duomo di Modena

Retrieve It from a Cache 01/08/2024 RossoCube retrieved it from La casa degli alberi scricchiolanti Trentino–Alto Adige, Italy   Visit Log

Viaggeremo un po' insieme!

Dropped Off 01/03/2024 silvercircle placed it in La casa degli alberi scricchiolanti Trentino–Alto Adige, Italy - 15.15 miles  Visit Log


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