Whale-scouts' Souvenir No. 3 - Dosenfischer Geocoin
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Wednesday, 01 October 2008
Bayern, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In TB Hôtel du Sabot d'Or. PTTTN -M74
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Nachdem ich nun gemeinsam mit meinen Ownern, den whale-scouts, auf dem Hohen Ifen war, möchte ich ihnen jetzt nachh Hause folgen und in einen Cache im Rheingau oder in Wiesbaden reisen (z.B. GCZ895).
After being on the Hoher Ifen with my owners, the whale-scouts, I would like to follow them to the Rheingau/Wiesbaden (e.g. GCZ895).
Wenn ich dann wieder zu Hause bei den whale-scouts bin, begleite ich sie zukünftig zu Gipfel- und Wander-Caches.
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Tracking History (71164.9mi) View Map
DM-P3 placed it in TB Hôtel du Sabot d'Or. PTTTN -M74
Pays de la Loire, France
- 3.25 miles
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DM-P3 took it to tumulus de dissignac
Pays de la Loire, France
- 59.4 miles
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DM-P3 took it to Alignement du moulin 1
Bretagne, France
- 24.56 miles
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DM-P3 took it to Menhir Schtroumpf
Bretagne, France
- 47.41 miles
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DM-P3 took it to Promenade à Saint-Léonard: 16
Normandie, France
- .14 miles
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DM-P3 took it to Promenade à Saint-Léonard: 17
Normandie, France
- 109.99 miles
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DM-P3 took it to PAYSAGE BUCOLIQUE # 1
Normandie, France
- .38 miles
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DM-P3 took it to l’île au trésor. (Hôtel à TB)
Normandie, France
- 111.25 miles
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DM-P3 took it to Virtual Avranches Square Thomas Beckett
Normandie, France
- 20.02 miles
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DM-P3 took it to Sourdeval Gare
Normandie, France
- 124.07 miles
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