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Surely no-one is crazy enough to move this on!!!!This dark started his life as a graden ornament, but unfortunately his pond has now gone and he is broadening his horizons.He will need to be hidden near to a cache as he won't fit in one - waterside caches would be particularly welcome. Please hide me near enough to a cache that I get spotted.Maybe he could get his photo taken with some new duck friends or in unusual places!
A life size duck ornament. This bug is far too large to go in to most caches.
Gallery Images related to See Ya Later Duck 2010-05-15_10.38.24 2010-05-15_10.38.24View All 5 Gallery Images
Nicht mehr da
Found this duck sitting under a bridge. Seemed that the duck felt very comfortable there. So I did not try to take it with me.
Heute bei unserem Actioncache die Ente gesehen und für uns zu groß befunden. Da aber noch genügend entengrütze am Tatort vorhanden war, haben wir sie hier belassen. Gruß Rosi&Stieni
Er hat momentan am Nest zutun.Also hab ich ihn nicht mitgenommen! Klausitorgelow
Heute diese sportliche Herausforderung angenommen, aber der TB war mir doch nicht ganz geheuer, ich habe zu Hause auch kein Entenfutter und bis ich an nächste große Wasser komme, wo dieser Vögel Platz hat???? Danke.
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