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Juwel of the moon Geocoin

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bergradler Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Bayern, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of negro sacristan.

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Use TB37H80 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Esta moneda es que no, por favor salir de España.

Please, travel only in Spain! Don´t take the coin to an other country, thank you!

About This Item

Bildschirmfoto 2010-07-25 um 21.35.22

Usted debe viajar rápidamente de un lugar a otro.
La moneda es para nosotros un rubor permanente en nuestras vacaciones cortas en Barzelona en abril de 2012. Esperamos más de este maravilloso país para conocer.
Muchas gracias y muchos saludos desde el

This coin should stay in spain and tell me more about this beautiful country! The coin should be a abiding memory of our holiday in barcelona from 2.-5.4.2012.
Nice greetings from

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Tracking History (5259.7mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 08/04/2014 negro sacristan retrieved it from CHOZOS - 7 - Seldelafuente Castilla y León, Spain   Visit Log

es mi primer travel bug y me ha echo mucha ilusion
gracias :)

Dropped Off 05/08/2014 ciripolenteam placed it in CHOZOS - 7 - Seldelafuente Castilla y León, Spain - 13.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/07/2014 ciripolenteam took it to Un paseo Castilla y León, Spain - .6 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/07/2014 ciripolenteam took it to Turbinas Castilla y León, Spain - 9.35 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/07/2014 ciripolenteam took it to Cachetea Castilla y León, Spain - 8.92 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/06/2014 ciripolenteam took it to Todos juntos Castilla y León, Spain - .69 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/06/2014 ciripolenteam took it to CASI MIL EN AGUILAR Castilla y León, Spain   Visit Log
Visited 05/06/2014 ciripolenteam took it to CASI MIL EN AGUILAR Castilla y León, Spain - 9.7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/03/2014 ciripolenteam took it to CACHÉ GR1 EL MONTE Castilla y León, Spain - .88 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/03/2014 ciripolenteam took it to CACHÉ GR1 INTEGRAL Castilla y León, Spain - .72 miles  Visit Log
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