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Geocaching World Traveller Phantom Corsair - TB-Racer

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Wednesday, 26 December 2018
Brandenburg, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In SitCom Series Bonus

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Current Goal

Team Compubaers Teilnehmer am TB-Spektakel:

Das große Rennen in die entlegensten Winkel der Welt

Nimm mich bitte mit und lege mich schnell wieder in einem anderen Cache ab.

Team Compubaers participants in the TB spectacle:

The big race to the remotest corners of the world

Please take me with you and leave me quickly in another cache.

About This Item

Phantom Corsair Racer

Ein Modell des aus dem Jahr 1938 stammende Phantom Corsair startete für unser Team am 12.01.2019
beim Event 2019 - Auf ein Neues! zusammen mit weiteren Teilnehmern zu einem Rennen von Cache zu Cache.

Ziel des Rennens ist es, bis zum 31.12.2019 möglichst viele Kilometer zurückzulegen, Bundesländer und Staaten zu besuchen, verschiedene Kontinente kennenzulernen.
Gesammelt werden während der Reise Informationen (Fotos/Beschreibungen) über besonders schöne oder empfehlenswerte Plätze.

Am Jahresende soll der Phantom Corsair wieder so nah wie möglich an seinem Startort in Brandenburg, Deutschland, ankommen.

Team Compubaer wünscht ihm und allen anderen Teilnehmern am TB-Rennen viel Erfolg, eine gute Reise und kein Verschwinden!


A model of the 1938 Phantom Corsair was launched for our team on 12.01.2019
at the event 2019 - Auf ein Neues! along with other participants to a race from cache to cache.

The goal of the race is to cover as many kilometers as possible until 31.12.2019, to visit federal states and states, to get to know different continents.
During the trip, information (photos / descriptions) about particularly beautiful or recommendable places will be collected.

At the end of the year, the Phantom Corsair should arrive as close as possible to its starting point in Brandenburg, Germany.

Team Compubaer wishes him and all other participants in the TB race every success, a good trip and no disappearance!


Gallery Images related to Phantom Corsair - TB-Racer

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Tracking History (98616.2mi) View Map

Dropped Off 11/24/2024 Collie_dogs placed it in SitCom Series Bonus South West England, United Kingdom - 46.51 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2024 Collie_dogs took it to Street Art #9 South West England, United Kingdom - .36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2024 Collie_dogs took it to Street Art #8 South West England, United Kingdom - .67 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2024 Collie_dogs took it to The Viking Cache South West England, United Kingdom - .79 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2024 Collie_dogs took it to Street Art #7 South West England, United Kingdom - 24.05 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2024 Collie_dogs took it to Street Art #6 South West England, United Kingdom - .8 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2024 Collie_dogs took it to Devonport Leat - Exmouth Road South West England, United Kingdom - .3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2024 Collie_dogs took it to SideTracked - Devonport Station South West England, United Kingdom - .25 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2024 Collie_dogs took it to Street Art #4 South West England, United Kingdom - .33 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/20/2024 Collie_dogs took it to Street Art #3 South West England, United Kingdom - 23.47 miles  Visit Log
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