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Zelda the Zebra Travel Tag ZEBRA pro ROZINKU

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StanleyWolf Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 12 August 2018
Ústecký kraj, Czechia
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In the hands of Teacherman2001.

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Current Goal

Úkolem zebřičky Rozinky je potkat na své misi co nejvíce dalších malých i velkých zeber po celém světě. Když nějakou při svém cestování uvidíte vložte prosím její obrázek a místo kde zebra žije. Moc a moc děkujeme.


The Zebras Rozinka' task is to meet as many other small as well as big zebras around the world on their mission. When you see somebody while traveling, please insert her picture and the place where the zebra lives. We thank you very much and very much.


About This Item

Zebricka Rozinka

Malá zebřička Rozinka bude cestovat po celém světě. Vypouštíme jí z České republiky společně s mou vnučkou Rozinkou, která už našla několik svých prvních kešek. Budeme jí bedlivě sledovat, kde všude cestuje a kdo se o ní stará. Doufáme, že také uvidí nějaké další zebry po celém světě. A taky třeba se s ní někde zase setkáme. Přejeme zebřičce hodně štěstí a jen samé hezké a prostorné kešky.


Little Zebras Rozinka will travel around the world. We drop her from the Czech Republic together with my granddaughter Rozinka, who has already found some of her first caches. We will watch her closely where she travels and who cares about her. We hope they will also see some other zebras all over the world. And maybe we'll meet her somewhere again. We wish the Zebras good luck and only very nice and spacious caches.

Gallery Images related to ZEBRA pro ROZINKU

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Tracking History (1276.8mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 09/19/2021 Teacherman2001 retrieved it from Der Hundepark Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

The journey goes on😉

Dropped Off 08/01/2021 SirConflict placed it in Der Hundepark Bayern, Germany - .14 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/01/2021 SirConflict took it to LM 1 Bayern, Germany - 1.23 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/11/2021 SirConflict took it to Haken II Bayern, Germany - 2.16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/11/2021 SirConflict took it to Endlich fertig?? Bayern, Germany - 2.36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/03/2021 SirConflict took it to Russenlager Bayern, Germany - 1.87 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/03/2021 SirConflict took it to Cortinarius subvalidus Bayern, Germany - .11 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/03/2021 SirConflict took it to Raus aus der Stadt 2 Bayern, Germany - 194.56 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/03/2021 SirConflict took it to Blick auf die Frankenwarte Bayern, Germany - .46 miles  Visit Log
Visited 04/03/2021 SirConflict took it to Raus aus der Stadt 1 Bayern, Germany - .99 miles  Visit Log
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