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Travel Bug Dog Tag Hiking Hansel

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bluedaisy Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 09 May 2014
Missouri, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of sinaasappel.

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Use TB4J49H to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Hiking Hansel is entered in the SLAGA 2014 Travel Bug Race. He needs to travel as many miles as possible until the end of January 2015. If you can help him along on this mission, great! Please don't hold him too long- keep him moving!. Try to place him in active caches where he is less likely to sit idle. He would love to visit Europe and see as many different countries as possible. After the race is over, he would like to continue hiking along from cache to cache and see how far he can go!

About This Item

Hiking Hansel

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Tracking History (4395.4mi) View Map

Discovered It 10/03/2015 beavera discovered it   Visit Log

I saw this TB at Appeltjes Groen at Lisse,

Retrieve It from a Cache 09/11/2014 sinaasappel retrieved it from koekoekseiland (cuckoo island) Zuid-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

I want to see the city.

Dropped Off 09/07/2014 Hahs73 placed it in koekoekseiland (cuckoo island) Zuid-Holland, Netherlands - 4,351.65 miles  Visit Log

Off to Germany!

Discovered It 05/24/2014 LeonardaDaArtsi discovered it   Visit Log

Nice talking to you at Geowoodstock. Greetings from Germantown, Tennessee! :)

Discovered It 05/24/2014 CajunGonzeaux discovered it   Visit Log

Thanks from New Orleans at GeoWoodstock XII.

Retrieve It from a Cache 05/24/2014 Hahs73 retrieved it from Geowoodstock XII Missouri   Visit Log

Taken Hans to Holland!

Dropped Off 05/23/2014 bluedaisy placed it in Geowoodstock XII Missouri - 4.45 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/23/2014 bluedaisy took it to 12 : Biking / Hiking... HEY, there's a Giraffe!! Missouri - 6.08 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/22/2014 bluedaisy took it to HPCG #1 Missouri - 18.95 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/10/2014 bluedaisy took it to GWXII: Montana Missouri - 7.61 miles  Visit Log
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