Sheila the Traveling Bug
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Sunday, 25 December 2011
California, United States
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In the hands of Holunderbären.
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Hello there! Thanks for picking me up! I started out in sunny San Diego on Christmas day 2011 as part of a TB race with my sibilings (see details below). And guess what??
Of course we want to keep the adventure going! Thanks for moving me a long... maybe I'll make it back to the States someday!
Happy caching!
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G'day! I'm racing other traveling bugs. I need to collect as many miles as I can by 2013. So please take me as far as you can! Australia, perhaps? ;)
Thanks so much for helping me along! Happy caching!
~Follow my competition~
Off to Never Never Land
Stubby's Racing Bug
My brother, two sisters and I all received travel bugs for Christmas. We're racing to see who can log the most miles by 2013. We all started in San Diego, California. I currently live in New York and love to travel. So if you could help me out and take Sheila as far as you can I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!
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Tracking History (21987.7mi) View Map
stern0815 discovered it
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Beim Mega in Berlin gesehen.
Holunderbären retrieved it from Orion Alnitak
Brandenburg, Germany
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Nehmen ihn mit nach Schweden 😀
Wander Tante discovered it
Brandenburg, Germany
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Beim Vorevent im Fort Hahneberg gesehen. Dankeschön
Euni placed it in Orion Alnitak
Brandenburg, Germany
- 11.81 miles
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LuiLiex discovered it
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Mit/bei der lieben QE gesehen.
Euni retrieved it from ichel's Döner's Tag
Brandenburg, Germany
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quietscheente placed it in ichel's Döner's Tag
Brandenburg, Germany
- 16.47 miles
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Bye, bye - cachegreeting to California, United States from Berlin/Germany 🙂, quietscheente
quietscheente took it to Quassel - Strippe
Berlin, Germany
- 15.75 miles
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quietscheente took it to meet the swiss at the spreepark Berlin
Berlin, Germany
- 6.91 miles
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quietscheente took it to Richtungsweisende Architektur
Berlin, Germany
- 5.74 miles
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data on this page is cached for 3 mins