TB4KAG2 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Star is entered in the SLAGA 2014 Travel Bug Race. She needs to travel as many miles as possible until the end of January 2015. She appreciates if you can help her along on this mission. Please don't hold her too long- keep her moving! Try to place her in active caches where she will be found and not sit idle for too long! She would love to visit the Hawaiian islands and Australia in her travels.
**UPDATE** The race has ended and Star finished in 3rd place! Thanks to everyone who has helped her along in her travels!! She would now like to continue traveling and see how far she can go!
No additional details available.
Gallery Images related to Star the Unicorn Star the UnicornView All 2 Gallery Images
In a great multi-cache
Traded for a tb
Discovered in Sturbridge TB Hotel. Thanks for sharing!
Discovered in Sturbridge TB Hotel. Thank you!
Cute! Will move her along quickly
Leaving Star here. Hope someone picks her up before winter sets in.
Grabbed Star and then sge broke out of the stable. We had to catch her before we could log her. She is on track again and traveling along with us. Headed South
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