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To travel as far as possible and visit lots of different places. Would love to see lots of photos of the journey too please!! Please move on as soon as you can, don't keep me for too long!! I was bought for Poppy for Christmas 2012 and will be having a race with 4 other family tags to see who can travel the furthest XXX " src="/images/icons/cute.gif" title="" />
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Spottet at Bjørndal udsigtstårn.
Deze TB meegenomen tijdens rondje Weerwater plas nabij Almere, goede reis toegewenst door NL Took this TB during a tour of the Weerwater lake near Almere, have a good trip through the Netherlands
Blijft nog even reizen in Nederland.
Discovered in an amazing 5* TB Hotel
Moving on
Tb drop
Meegenomen om verder te laten reizen.
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