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Travel Bug Dog Tag The Geovan Of Destiny

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debaere Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, 22 September 2012
North Carolina, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

This is not collectible.

Use TB53PTG to reference this item.

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Current Goal

To be seen on the highways, byways, and parking coordinates of many caches.

About This Item

No additional details available.

Tracking History (24061.9mi) View Map

Discovered It 06/01/2018 Tsmola discovered it   Visit Log

Catching up on a bunch of old discovery logs that have been lingering in my phone for far too long. Thanks for sharing!

Discovered It 02/03/2018 LRHG73 discovered it   Visit Log

I have been doing a lot of "New Year's" cleaning and organizing and came across several lists of TBs in my "caching drawer". These TBs are from GW 2014, GW 2017, Going Caching 2017 and who knows what else!?!? Thanks for sharing and CACHE ON!!

Discovered It 09/05/2017 Norelkfiend discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered at GW XV. I'm late in logging all the trackables I found.

Discovered It 08/09/2017 Flashjam discovered it   Visit Log

finally getting around to logging the trackables that I took photos of at Geowoodstock XV
sorry it has taken so long for me to log your Trackable.
Thanks for sharing it with me to discover.

Discovered It 08/02/2017 Tag_it! discovered it   Visit Log

Cleaning out a list of trackable numbers I have discovered. Sorry but I have no clue as to when exactly I discovered these, probably at Geowoodstock 2017

Discovered It 06/30/2017 TwoFingersDown discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered at Geowoodstock. Thanks for sharing.

Discovered It 06/15/2017 tleu discovered it   Visit Log

Saw it with zillions of other folks at Geowoodstock XV.

Discovered It 06/12/2017 GArunner discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it at Geowoodstock XV. Fun times! Good memories! Thank you for sharing.

Discovered It 06/02/2017 thekingofbattle discovered it   Visit Log

GeoWoodstock XV was an amazing weekend filled with finding new caches, discovering trackables, catching up with friends and making new ones!

Thanks for having this trackable available for us to find!

Discovered It 06/02/2017 thekingofbattle discovered it   Visit Log

GeoWoodstock XV was an amazing weekend filled with finding new caches, discovering trackables, catching up with friends and making new ones!

Thanks for having this trackable available for us to find!

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