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Travel Bug Dog Tag Poparni's Moelln-TB

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Poparni Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, 18 November 2013
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

This is collectible.

Use TB5JR03 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Europe / Germany / Schlewig-Holstein / Moelln

I am one of eight TBs, which participate in a race from Florida (USA) to Moelln (Germany).
I want to travel back to the north of Germany as soon as possible. About 50 kilometers next to Hamburg is 23879 Moelln my destination. Let's go!

Ich bin einer von acht TBs, die an einem Rennen von Florida (USA) nach Mölln (Deutschland) teilnehmen.
Ich möchte so schnell wie möglich nach Norddeutschland zurückreisen. Etwa 50km östlich von Hamburg ist 23879 Mölln, mein Ziel! Los geht's!

About This Item

Poparni's Moelln-TB

Competitors / Teilnehmer:

- (1) B.o.b.b.y
- (2) Cappuccino1969
- (3) Joachim1875
- (4) Lottikind
- (5) Poparni
- (6) Suppenbund (Ela)
- (7) Suppenbund (Rolf)
- (8) Tüddel381

Gallery Images related to Poparni's Moelln-TB

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Tracking History (12344.9mi) View Map

Move To Collection 03/16/2014 Poparni moved it to their collection   Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 03/15/2014 Poparni retrieved it from MMM1530 Luftpumpe Schleswig-Holstein, Germany   Visit Log

[size=4][b]Yes, that's it! I have won this race[/b][/size]
Thank you to all cachers, who have helped to transport me from cache to cache!
After a 108 days lasting ride over 19,867km/12,344miles I arrived back at home!!!

Have a look at the picture, or have a look [url=]at this page[/url]!
Happy Caching!

[size=4][b]Jawoll! Ich habe dieses Rennen gewonnen[/b][/size]
Ich danke allen Cachern, die geholfen haben, mich von Cache zu Cache zu bringen!
Nach einer 108 Tage dauernden Reise über 19.867km/12.344Meilen bin ich zu Hause angekommen!!!

Schau Dir das Bild an, oder schaue auf [url=]diese Seite[/url]!
Happy Caching!

  • And the winner is... After a 108 days lasting ride over 19,867km/12,344miles I arrived back at home!!!

Nach einer 108 Tage dauernden Reise über 19.867km/12.344Meilen bin ich zu Hause angekommen!!!
Dropped Off 03/15/2014 sonja:) placed it in MMM1530 Luftpumpe Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - .31 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/15/2014 sonja:) took it to MMM4025 Eckbälle ulken ab Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - .1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/15/2014 sonja:) took it to MMM3520 Mölln Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 1.02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/15/2014 sonja:) took it to MMM Danke Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 23.3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/15/2014 sonja:) took it to MMM4030 15 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - .11 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/15/2014 sonja:) took it to MMM4020 M-Doku Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - .32 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/15/2014 sonja:) took it to MMM4545 Wegweiser Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - .27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 03/15/2014 sonja:) took it to MMM2530 Bonus - Die Stadtbücherei Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - .24 miles  Visit Log
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