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Travel Bug Dog Tag G&M - The Tango Couple

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tangobeso Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 06 September 2013
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Current Goal

Reise durch die ganze Welt, besuche dort die nächstgelegene Milonga (Tango-Veranstaltung) und tanze mit einem dort anwesenden Paar mit. Falls nicht möglich, dann reise nur zum nächsten Cache. Bitte jeden Tanz loggen. UND FOTOS JEDER ART WÄREN GENIAL :)

Travel through the world, visit a Milonga (location where visitors dance Argentine Tango) nearby and let the TB dance with a present tango-couple. If not possible, travel to next cache. Please log every dance of the TB and every photo would be great.

About This Item


Bringe den TB gerne einfach zum nächsten Cache. Richtig glücklich wird er aber erst sein, wenn er bei einem Tango-Paar einen Tango mitgetanzt hat. Locations, wo es Tango gibt, kann man leicht googeln, zB. wird man fündig auf

You can take the TB to the next cache only. The TB will be REALLY HAPPY when dancing a tango with a tango couple. Locations, where to Tango, you can easily google, e.g. look it up at


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Tracking History (18817.1mi) View Map

Write note 02/17/2019 MrKES posted a note for it   Visit Log

Not seen in this cache...

Discovered It 11/17/2018 Tietsjer discovered it Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium   Visit Log

Spotted in GC50NQH, RV3.15: Evergem.

Discovered It 11/17/2018 Thobias010 discovered it Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium   Visit Log

Even m'n gemaakte foto's van TB's aan het nagaan, weet niet meer precies waar en wanneer.. maar: gezien tijdens het geocachen!

Discovered It 11/02/2018 Gejost discovered it Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium   Visit Log

Deze gediscovered in de. RV van Evergem

Discovered It 10/31/2018 jutruti discovered it Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium   Visit Log

Al dansend gespot in RV Evergem.

Dropped Off 10/21/2018 King Elmo placed it in RV 3.15 :Evergem Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium - 35.17 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/20/2018 King Elmo retrieved it from CITO "Sweetest Day" Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium   Visit Log

Deze mooie TB kon het baasje van Elmo niet laten liggen.

Dropped Off 10/20/2018 CaracalShan placed it in CITO "Sweetest Day" Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium - 28.49 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/18/2018 CaracalShan took it to parkboulevard Antwerpen, Belgium - 46.13 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/14/2018 CaracalShan took it to REALLY SideTracked Frasnes-Lez-Anvaing Hainaut, Belgium - .75 miles  Visit Log
data on this page is cached for 3 mins